
The Unexpected Waters of Obedience

For many years now, I’ve kept some form of an online blog as a place to let my journals overflow into the hands of my friends and family (and the occasional stranger). It’s been a strange experience to see the places those once-private thoughts have landed, but I believe that the Lord gives each of us stories of grace, redemption, hope, and imperfection that are longing to be told to display His glory. Since being back in Thailand over the past few months, I’ve found that my blog has stayed silent while I’ve hashed out my thoughts through my social media accounts. Despite many of my posts turning into mini-blogs, I’ve felt the stories crying out to be told fully, and so this week I’d like to invite you into the uncut versions of my social media feed, in hopes that the words of the Lord find you and lift up your weary or discouraged hearts.


The Unexpected Waters of Obedience

Peter answered him, “Lord, if it is you, command me to come to you on the water.” He said “Come.” So Peter got out of the boat and walked on the water and came to Jesus.

Matthew 14:28-29 (ESV)

MondayNearly two years ago now, I was jumping on a plane to Manila, Philippines, and had no idea where it would actually take me. Before that first plane ride that would begin a round-the-world journey, I felt the Holy Spirit asking me to release the plans I had for myself and trust Him. I said yes, and spent the next year of my life meeting and serving with brothers and sisters in countries I had never dreamed of stepping foot in.

The funny thing about obedience and trust and faith and this whole journey with Jesus is this: in the beginning when we’re simply dipping our toes into the waters of obedience, we hope that this is the biggest step we’ll have to take, only to find ourselves submerged and swimming deeper years later.

The taste of obedience, even if it may be bitter or painful at first, is one of the sweetest things we can experience on earth as it draws us closer and closer to Jesus Himself. And so, one step turns to two, turns to two hundred, and on and on until you find yourself in one of the last places you expected. For me, that place is sitting on the floor of a classroom in Thailand, wondering when in the world this became a part of my 5 or 10 year plan.

Spending time in churches and the homes of believers around the world has shaken my life and faith in ways I cannot begin to describe. Being back in a country that claims religious freedom yet sees anything other than Buddhism as an insult to the king and the country invokes a mix of emotions to swirl in my heart – fear, hope, joy, burdens and more. I’m learning though, that part of what makes this whole journey so beautiful is recognizing that I have no idea what’s going to happen next. I don’t have all the answers; I don’t even know all of the questions!

None of us do, which is why it is so important to embrace and fully live in the places God has called us to and placed us in. Living cross-culturally and living missionally aren’t limited to visiting or moving to foreign countries. It’s not about grand experiences or great photos, or even miraculous stories. It’s about learning how your neighbor lives – your neighbor across the street or across the globe – and joining them, walking the streets they walk and listening to the stories they’ve lived.

We consistently see Jesus meeting people where they were: Zacchaeus in a tree, the woman at the well, and more. Let’s follow his example and take notice of our neighbors around us seeking His love and acceptance.


Biblical Truths I Learned From My Cats: You’re Always Welcome At Home

It amuses me what God sometimes uses to teach us lessons. Lately, it seems my four cats (and others in my life) have been the source of a few biblical truths.


You’re Always Welcome At Home

So he got up and went to his father. But while he was still a long way off, his father saw him and was filled with compassion for him; he ran to his son, threw his arms around him and kissed him.

Luke 15:20


Jack_sleeping.JPGJack is a young orange tabby who belongs to my sister. He is a sweet, energetic young cat with unquenchable curiosity and superior hunting skills. Here in Florida, many of us have a lanai – a large, screened area of our backyard, often enclosing a swimming pool. This is Jack’s favorite hangout. Mostly because of the lizards. Jack loves hunting lizards. My sister finds them in her house on a regular basis. Sometimes they’re dead – other times, not so much. Jack doesn’t care if he actually kills the lizard. It’s all about the hunt. He loves being outside so much that she installed a “kitty door” so he can go in and out as he wishes, safe inside the screened lanai.

My sister’s previous home did not have a lanai, only a small screened porch. Jack was terribly curious about the great outdoors, and would make an effort to scoot out the door every time one was opened. Usually we were very cautious and managed to keep him indoors. One night, however, he slipped past and escaped through the open garage door.

I drove the hour to her house. We spent hours looking for that cat. My sister walked for miles, calling him, looking under bushes and cars, winding behind homes. We drove all around her neighborhood, and after dark, drove around more. At two a.m., we finally decided to try to get some sleep. She was consumed with worry about him. We made posters to put up the next morning, and fell into bed about three a.m.

At six-thirty the next morning, she woke me. Bleary-eyed, I stared at what she held in her arms – little Jack, purring away. She was so happy he was home, snuggling him and petting him. I’ll be honest – I wasn’t quite as forgiving. I was still annoyed at having to drop everything and drive an hour to her house, then spent hours looking for the little bugger. She, however, was only focused on the fact that he was home safe. Jack was no worse for the wear, and after a good meal, crashed on the screened porch for a nap.

Sometimes we all have a desire to wander off, to go looking for something more, to see if there’s anything bigger or better out there, much like the prodigal son in the book of Luke. We wander away from God in search of worldly things. Often, it’s not even intentional. We just look up and suddenly realize we’ve wandered quite a distance from God. Things that far away aren’t nearly as good as we thought they might be.  Sometimes we wonder if God would even take us back.

But here’s the good news. Just like my sister welcomed Jack, the father’s reception of his son is a picture of God’s love for us. He took his son, who had been lost but was now found, in his arms and hugged him. Then proceeded to have a party. God delights in our return to Him, too. He desires nothing more than for His children to come to Him, to be in His presence.  Job 22:23 promises that if we return to the Almighty, we will be restored. Hosea 6:1 promises that if we return, we will be healed. And James 4:8 declares that if we draw near to Him, He will draw near to us.

If you’ve suddenly looked up and found yourself feeling far from God, all you have to do is turn around. He is already filled with compassion for you. If you let Him, like the prodigal’s father, He will run to you and welcome you back. And heaven will throw a party.

In the same way, I tell you, there is rejoicing in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner who repents. Luke 15:10 NIV



Biblical Truths I Learned From My Cats: Enjoy Life

It amuses me what God sometimes uses to teach us lessons. Lately, it seems my four cats (and others in my life) have been the source of a few biblical truths.


Enjoy Life

I came that they may have life and have it abundantly. 

John 10:10


Leo_bedLeo is my youngest cat. He is the most energetic, the most playful, the most destructive, and by far the most annoying. He’s also the biggest cuddler, when he’s in the mood. He is the only foster kitten I’ve kept so far, and some days, I question the wisdom of that decision.

If nothing else, however, Leo has entertainment value. Everything is a toy to Leo. Although my cats have a basket of safe cat toys, Leo would rather chew electrical cords and steal ponytail elastics. He’ll chew plastic shopping bags, steal straws from drinks and plastic water bottle caps. I find them every time I move a piece of furniture. He’s two years old, and should’ve outgrown most of the “kitten crazy,” but he’ll still attack your toes if you move them under the bed covers. When it comes to relaxing, he is just as dedicated. He can sprawl out in a patch of sunshine on the floor or on the back of a chair near a window and just chill for hours. If nothing else, this boy knows how to enjoy life.

It’s very easy to become so busy with all the things we must do. I don’t know about you, but my life often seems to be whizzing by at breakneck speed, always another appointment, commitment, or deadline in front of me. I can’t recall the last time I was bored. The to-do list just goes on and on. And if I’m not careful, I end up using every minute of my day trying to catch up, staying up late at night to finish things I didn’t get done during the day (case in point —I’m writing this at midnight) , and spending my weekend hours doing the housework that didn’t get done because I was busy doing the other things I had to do.

When Jesus said He came so that we could have life, and have it abundantly, I don’t think He meant for our lives to be a constant whirlwind of work. “Abundant” means over-sufficient, abounding, more than adequate – but I don’t think that’s referring to an abundance of work. I think Jesus wanted us not only to have life but also to enjoy it. To spend time with our family and friends, to relax, and to take the time to enjoy the world His Father created.

I’ll be the first to admit I’m terrible at making time to play, and even worse at relaxation, but I’m trying. I need to spend more time hanging out with my husband on the beach on weekends, or playing games with my kids. I’d even love to find some time just to sit and read one of the many books on my to-be-read list. Most importantly, I need to make sure my time with my heavenly Father is a priority, if only to thank Him for all the beautiful blessings in my life.

Perhaps my Leo takes having life abundantly a bit far, but then again, maybe he’s setting a good example. Find ways to enjoy the life God has given you, and get plenty of rest. Pretty good advice, for a cat.

