
Greed-Just a Little More!

“Then he said, “Beware! Guard against every kind of greed. Life is not measured by how much you own.”
Luke 12:15 NLT

girl grabbing money

Jesus told the parable of a rich man who decided to tear down his existing barns in order to build bigger ones. He’d store all of his goods in these bigger barns and wouldn’t have to work for some time. Then, he’d eat, drink, and be merry!  Can’t you picture this dude sitting there on his wealthy behind marveling at how he’s achieved the good life?  His great plan was short lived. “But God said to him, ‘You fool! You will die this very night. Then who will get everything you worked for?’ Luke 12:20 NLT

This man was so greedy that he wasn’t satisfied with what he already had. Have you ever been tempted by greed like that? I remember a time when I ditched my collection of shoes in order to buy all new ones. I really only needed to replace one pair of sandals that I’d broken but, I decided that it was time for me to just toss and replenish the whole lot. How hard could that be? My collection of shoes fit well and was still fashionable but I went from need to greed in a hot minute. I ended up waiting for years to properly rebuild my shoes to the right colors, styles, and types because I could not easily find the replacements after all.

Your ‘greedy thing’ may not be barns of goods or shoes. It could be any number of things. But the temptation to want more of everything is present in all of us. Aren’t we then somewhat similar to the man in the parable?

We can never really be free or satisfied by the stuff that we own—real freedom and satisfaction are free gifts that God provides to us when we humbly go to Him each day and ask for his grace and help. Only after doing that can we have the power to resist the strong temptation towards greed. For we read in Luke 12:21, “Yes, a person is a fool to store up earthly wealth but not have a rich relationship with God.”

Are you ‘God-poor’ today due to greed? You don’t have to be. Ask Him to take away your greed for material things and replace it with a desire for godly things. He wants to do it and will if you ask Him.

By grace through faith,


Awaken the Worship

“So come, let us worship: bow before him, on your knees before God, who made us!”
Psalm 95:6 (The Message)

During my growing up years, Sunday morning worship consisted of two hymns, the offering, another hymn, the Doxology, followed by the choir or special music, and then the sermon. As a young adult, I grew tired of this “tradition” and found myself embracing the ‘Praise and Worship’ music that began to take precedence in the 1980’s. It was a welcomed change with a newness and excitement to it.

However, I distinctly remember declaring a few years later – If we’re not careful, this new praise and worship style will become a tradition just like the format of hymns, offering, and special music did during my era. In many churches that has been the case.

I’m not saying there is anything bad or wrong with “tradition”. Regardless of your preferred worship style, the real issue is what does worship look like for you? All too often we associate it with the corporate worship we experience on Sunday mornings. But what about your own personal times of worship with God? How do you revere, honor, and acknowledge Him for who He is?

Let’s explore some ideas that might prove useful in establishing or awakening your worship time.

  • Do a word study of worship and see how it is defined as well as lived out in the Bible.
  • Don’t limit worship to “singing” only; read a Psalm, a prayer book, or Scripture to the Lord as an act of worship.
  • Pay attention to the lyrics you sing to Him; as an alternative, simply read them to fully grasp what you are offering to Him.
  • Spend time in adoration of the Father, asking for nothing, focusing totally on Him.
  • Worship God in a new place and/or in a different position (i.e. bowing; kneeling; outdoors)
  • Intentionally worship God while you are involved in service/ministry to others.
  • Speak forth His praises around your family members as you are working, playing, or making memories.

As you worship the Lord this week, I pray you will ask the Holy Spirit to quicken your heart with a creative new zeal to give Him the glory due His name. After all, He alone is worthy of our praise!

[Digging deeper – 2 Chronicles 7:3; Nehemiah 9:3; Psalms 2:11, 29:2, 99:5,9; Matt. 28:9; John 4:23; Rom. 12:1]

Because of Him,

Beverly <><



Photo Credit:  Image courtesy of Art4TheGlryOfGod by Sharon, “Shout for Joy to God, All the Earth!”…at

The Importance of the Word (Part 2)

“For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.”
Hebrews 4:12 (NIV)

The other day we began to look at the importance of spending time with God and in His Word. Today I’d like to continue that journey.

We need to study and know God’s Word because it is our weapon against the enemy (Ephesians 6). In Matthew 4 Jesus uses the Word of God to defeat Satan when the enemy was trying to tempt him. In Ezekiel 37 a valley of dry bones came to life because Ezekiel spoke the Word of God over them. When we speak God’s Word we speak Truth and life into people’s lives and into hopeless situations. Learn your weapon well so you can wield it powerfully!

Next, we read God’s Word because we need to have sound doctrine to live by. Without sound doctrine we cannot disciple others well, nor will we be able to tell when someone is teaching us a bunch of biblical baloney. In Acts 17 Paul commended the Bereans for examining the scriptures after receiving his message to ascertain whether Paul spoke the truth or not. We will not be able to reject false messages taught to us about the Bible if we do not know what the Bible says.

Finally, we spend time with God and in His Word because the Spirit of God living within us desires for us to grow more deeply in love with God and abide by His precepts. In Deuteronomy 6 the Israelites were commanded to write the law of God upon their hearts and speak about them with their children and the community. The church has become God’s people with His Word written upon our hearts and further revealed in His Word. I encourage you to dig deep into the treasures of His Truth!

God bless!

Noree Wegmeyer



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