
Pray On It!

“Devote yourselves to prayer with an alert mind and a thankful heart.”

Colossians 4:2, NLT

Lady_PrayingOne day I listened to a young lady who was clearly exasperated. She said, “I’ve tried everything I know to do and nothing’s working out!” How many times had I spoken those very words and felt like there was absolutely no place else to turn?

When she finished recounting her situation, she asked me, “What do you think I should do now?” After quickly asking God to give me the words to speak to her, I found myself asking the young lady, “Well, have you prayed on it yet?” She said she hadn’t. In fact, she told me that prayer hadn’t even entered her mind concerning her predicament. The self-righteous me wanted to scream, “What? But you’re a Christian now! Don’t you know that you should ‘take everything to God in prayer’?” But, the I-feel-your-pain me thought back to when I felt that same horrible, helpless, exasperation. I certainly didn’t think of prayer as my first option either! I tried to handle things myself and subsequently struggled awhile with the same type of feelings and challenges. My change came after meeting with a mature Christian lady. She listened to me and then she’d ask the same question each time I asked her for advice. “Baby, have you prayed on it yet?” Then she’d offer to pray for me. Each time, she thanked the Lord for me and asked Him to help me tell Him something I was thankful for that day. Then, she’d thank God for giving me strength to make it through my situation. I wondered why she did that because in my mind He hadn’t helped me through my problems yet! I wasn’t thankful for what he had done. But, after some time, with her guidance, I’d gotten into the habit of praying every day and thanking the Lord for many things each day. That lady encouraged me, and showed me how to make prayer a priority in my daily life; and, to do so thankfully, through challenge-filled or challenge-free days.

So, I asked the young lady if I could pray for her…

When we pray we reaffirm our need for God and jog our memories to pay thankful attention to him. And, we become more and more mindful of his Spirit working in our lives to enable us to persevere through whatever challenges we find ourselves confronted with. Then, we can effectively encourage one another to get into the habit of praying regularly.

Have you prayed on it today?

By grace through faith,


Diligence: “Make Hay While the Sun Shines”

“Plant your seed in the morning and keep busy all afternoon, for you don’t know if profit will come from one activity or another—or maybe both.”

Ecclesiastes 11:6 NLT

Lawnmower_and_grass Diligence: Make Hay While the Sun Shines One morning I received a call from our lawn service guy. It was the day his team was scheduled to come cut our grass. He informed me that he thought it was going to rain that day so they’d try and come out on the following weekend to do the cut. No, I thought! Not good! He and his team had missed cutting the grass for the last couple of weeks. They’d committed to come take care of this today. Am I being too impatient, I wondered? I went outside and stared at the lawn again. Two beaver-looking critters scurried underneath the fence when they heard me approaching. A third lingered boldly, as if invited to a grassy buffet in our backyard. Nope, I am definitely not being too impatient; our lawn was in desperate need of a thorough cutting. These guys need to come out and take care of business this morning! I called our guy back and urged him to come cut the grass that very morning, before any rain hit, since it wasn’t raining yet! They came and cut the entire lawn before one raindrop fell. I wouldn’t be surprised if they also got in several other lawns before any rain fell that day because it didn’t rain until that evening! Our lawn guy thought he knew when the rain would come but he really didn’t. He was willing to put the work off just a little longer in anticipation of an outcome for which he had no control.Rodent_eating_grass Diligence: Make Hay While the Sun Shines

But, this tendency isn’t just a temptation for the lawn guy. How often do we put off doing what we know to do because of our own uncertainty of the outcome? We don’t share with others what God’s done in our life to change us for the better because we don’t know for sure what the results will be. What if we go all out and become vulnerable and nobody wants to talk with us? What if we share what He’s done in our life and nobody accepts what we’ve presented?

We’re reminded by our verse today to stay steadfast whether we know the outcome of our efforts or not. We are to keep working in what the Lord’s called us to do. We are limited by human understanding, however, God, who knows all things, has provided us directions to follow. Shouldn’t we be diligent in our obedience to the Lord?

By grace through faith,


Hiding in Plain Sight

“Nothing in all creation is hidden from God. Everything is naked and exposed before his eyes, and he is the one to whom we are accountable.” 

Hebrews 4:13, NLT

White_Bird_in_TreeWhere?” I asked. “What bird? I don’t see any bird? Stop playing with me little girl!

“It’s right there, Mommy! Really! I’m not kidding, it’s right in front of you! Daddy sees it, right, Daddy?”

“Look right in the center of that tree, Ri”, my hubby said.

“Oh, I see it now”, I said! Sure enough, right in front of my face, sat a white bird, in the middle of a tree! I’d looked at that tree earlier and didn’t even see the bird sitting there, nearly camouflaged. I’d looked right past it even though it was hiding in plain sight. Seeing or not seeing that bird in the tree wouldn’t make a significant difference in my life or anyone else’s. But, what do we look past that can make a difference in a life?

Sometimes we look past our shortcomings; after all, it is easier to deny them or refuse to address them altogether, than to face them. I struggled for years to come to a place of real forgiveness towards someone that I’d decided did me wrong. I didn’t want to forgive this person at all. In my view, all about the situation that promoted my refusal to forgive was laid squarely at their feet. They did everything wrong and I did everything right. So, why should I forgive them? I looked right past any evidence of my lack of character. I couldn’t see it at all, because it was their fault entirely! Although I tried to camouflage my resentment through self-justification, it was hiding in plain sight (with every reference to this person and the situation) through my lack of forgiveness.

Today, I’ve forgiven the person and repented of my wrongdoing but I’m left to wonder how much my life or the life of that person would have been different had I let go of my resentment and chosen to forgive them earlier.

We might get resentful and toughen our hearts to the reality about ourselves but the Word of God is powerful enough to cut through our innermost denial. God sees everything about us, including those things we attempt to hide from ourselves. When we trust in him and follow his Word, he exposes our hidden things so we can change and grow more like him.

How different our lives would be if we saw, confessed, and corrected our shortcomings, instead of allowing them to hide in plain sight.

By grace through faith,
