
Part 1 Wanted: Wisdom – Just Ask!

“If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God.”
James 1:5a NASB

Since joining the Navy in 2001, my husband and I have moved 7 times. Each move involves more decisions than I care to recall. Decisions such as: Do we buy or rent? What area is the best and safest for our needs? How close is it to the base? Is it within our budget? Is it big enough? Too big? How much yard upkeep is required? Are there good churches in the area?

Once housing is secured, we start the moving process on base. What dates do we want the movers to pack us up and when do we want our belongings delivered? Will we move some of our belongings ourselves? Do I need to stay extra days to clean the house that we’re leaving behind?

Are you getting the picture here? Can you relate to what I am saying?

Regardless of what season of life we are in, most of us feel inadequate at some time or other when it comes to making wise decisions. You may be single and seeking whether to pursue marriage or serve God on the mission field. As a mom raising children, you are in constant need of wisdom to know now to answer the myriad of questions your kids ask daily. Choices regarding aging parents are right around the corner for many of us.

Decision overload! We face it all the time and are in desperate need of wisdom. Yet, our theme verse gives a simple answer – ASK! God is waiting. Take time to stop and ask. And then listen. [Digging deeper – Proverbs 2:1-2, 5:1, 7:4; Matthew 7:7-8; James 3:17]

Stay tune for Part 2 Wanted: Wisdom – Calm Seas

Wanting and asking,

Beverly <><


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Cinnamon Toast and Choices

“But examine everything carefully; hold fast to that which is good; abstain from every form of evil.”
1Thessalonians 5:21-22 NASB

signs-right-wrong-good-bad-1172209I have always loved cinnamon toast. You know, butter smeared on a slice of bread and sprinkled with sugar and cinnamon. Toasted until hot and bubbly. Savor the goodness! Yum, yum!

Four years ago my husband and I made a drastic change in our eating habits due to some health issues. Eliminating refined sugar as often as possible from our diet became a top priority. So, I bid a sad farewell to my beloved cinnamon toast. However, over time I began experimenting with substituting raw honey for the refined sugar. Once again, I am enjoying my cinnamon toast and benefitting from the goodness of the healthier ingredients.

Ok, enough of the health lesson . . . BUT THERE IS A SPIRITUAL APPLICATION HERE. You see, we are faced with decisions and choices every day. Harmful habits pop up and temptations come our way. It is up to us to observe and change the actions and words that aren’t pleasing to God or good for us.

Do you have a habit of saying unkind things about others because of petty reasons? Try replacing the damaging words with something positive about the person. If you can think of nothing good to say, then hold your tongue and whisper a prayer for them instead.

Do you find it hard to spend time with God on a regular basis? Maybe some of your time texting, face-booking, twittering, enjoying a hobby, etc. could be used instead for alone time with Him.

Do you struggle with road rage? (ouch!) Next time the urge comes to rant and rave over someone’s careless driving, why not bless them in the name of the Lord? I said bless them, not bless them out J You really have no clue what they are going through or what’s on their minds. They may desperately need the Lord, so take the opportunity to pray for them.

Whether it’s cinnamon toast or _______________ (you fill in the blank), we can either ignore the warnings and suffer the consequences, or pursue better options that yield fruitful rewards. It’s up to each one of us. It’s our choice. Let’s choose to look for what is really good, cling to it, and steer clear of the evil.

[Digging deeper – Romans 12:9, 21; Galatians 6:10; Ephesians 4:29; 1 Thessalonians 5:15; James 4:17; 1 Peter 3:8-9]

Signature: Enjoying good choices,

Beverly <><

Wise Choices: You Choose!

Why do you call me ‘Lord, Lord,’ and not do what I tell you?”

Luke 6:46, ESV  

In the 70’s and 80’s there were two popular comedic expressions: “The devil made me do it,” and “Could it be Satan?” It’s our nature to want to shift blame, but it’s no laughing matter. When God questioned Adam and Eve regarding their sin, Adam blamed Eve, and Eve blamed the serpent. Satan’s influence in our lives is immense, but we alone are responsible for the choices we make.


You Choose!

“Choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve.” 

Joshua 24:15, NIV

Day_1,_Angel_and_DemonYears ago, I walked past the room of my special-needs daughter and overheard her talking to a make-believe friend.

“Leave my ear alone,” she said. “Quit trying to get the Lord out. I want Him in there.”

I’ll never know the scenario being painted in her head, but her words went straight to my heart. Her conversation speaks of our relentless struggle with good and evil as we live out our days on the earth. At times, it’s as if we have an angel on one shoulder pleading with us and a demon on the other taunting us while we wrestle with which voice to obey.

At a specific point in time, believers make a conscious decision to follow Christ. But, choosing to follow Christ is not only a one-time decree; it’s a daily resolve―a moment by moment determination to invite Christ into every aspect of our lives. The choices we make are crucial. Satan unremittingly says “Get the Lord out,” but he doesn’t make us “do it.” That decision is uniquely ours.

I pray we will all choose, as my daughter did. Choose to “want Him in there.” Choose Christ daily.

Choose wisely,
