
Stay in One Place

 Don’t move around from home to home. Stay in one place, eating and drinking what they provide. Don’t hesitate to accept hospitality, because those who work deserve their pay .”
Luke 10:7 (NLT)

17204849201_06b9193a06_zThis passage shows Jesus encouraging His disciples to “stay in one place.” This was to guard them from unnecessary distraction and to keep them focused on the task at hand. In view of eternity, our lives here on earth are very short, and we need to make sure we are intentional with the time we have been given. Let’s plan to spend our lives bonding with those around us, pointing them to Christ, and encouraging them in the Truth. Today, pray that God will keep us eternally focused and away from fruitless distractions.




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A Rejected Blessing

“Whenever you enter someone’s home, first say, ‘May God’s peace be on this house.’ If those who live there are peaceful, the blessing will stand; if they are not, the blessing will return to you.”
Luke 10:5-6, (NLT)

stay-out-1550977-639x425The end of verse 6, reminds us that although our desire is to see everyone receive Christ, many will reject Him. This may be difficult for us to accept, but we must remember that we are not responsible for the results. We have all been given the freewill to decide, and unfortunately, many will discard the truth of the gospel and turn their backs on God. Today, pray that God will use us to clearly present the gospel to those who are lost, and ask Him to open the eyes and ears of those who hear the Good News so they may respond positively to the Holy Spirit’s prompting. Finally, for those who reject Him, pray that God will continue to send people into their lives who will point them to the Truth.




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“From the God of your father who helps you, And by the Almighty who blesses you…”
Genesis 49:25, NASB

El-ShaddaiDear Friends,

Several days ahead of time, I consider which name of God to write about. I recently decided on El-Shaddai for this particular post.

And oh, it’s so appropriate for what’s going on in my life right now.

Today, hospice approved my beautiful mom for a transitional bed. Depending on her condition, she can stay at the Hospice home for 2-3 weeks. If she improves, we’ll need to move her, but we won’t be surprised if the Lord takes her home soon. She’s not doing very well as her Alzheimer’s disease progresses.

I’m finding much comfort in El-Shaddai—God Almighty.

“Power belongs to God; and lovingkindness is Thine, O Lord” (Ps. 62:11-12). Amen. He holds my mom in His hands. He helps her, and He helps us. Nothing escapes the Lord’s notice. He possesses all power in my family’s situation … and yours. He sovereignly oversees every detail, loving us so wonderfully all the time.

Isn’t that truth incredibly comforting? We don’t belong to a weak or incapable God. Our God is ALMIGHTY.

Whatever situation we face, El-Shaddai possesses all power over it.

Much love in Christ,



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