
Devoted to Prayer: “In Empty Places”

“Devote yourselves to prayer … .”

Colossians 4:2, NASB 

“Draw near to God and He will draw near to you …”

James 4:8

Amazingly God doesn’t need to hear from us—He wants to. Privileged to pour out our hearts, we receive His comfort in exchange. Prayer intimately and powerfully connects us to God in every place.


“Devoted to Prayer: In Empty Places”


“I don’t even know why I should bother praying.”

medium_2963211897-200x300Utterly frustrated and desperately discouraged, I voiced these words to God. I surely did. Was it the best thing to say? Probably not … except it was totally honest. Plus, God already knew my feelings about the trial I chafed under. Even after reading His Word, I sensed zero connection with Him. Empty … no relief—I told the Lord that as well. Ever so gently, He reminded me of Luke 18:1, in which He taught His disciples to pray always and not lose heart. Now He directed me to do the same. A glimmer of hope arose.

Suddenly new prayers—unlike previous ones—escaped my lips. I knew they were from the Lord. They didn’t magically, instantly solve everything. But those prayers strengthened me for the time being. Isn’t that truly what matters? To live minute by minute in full dependence on Him—drinking in His grace and resting in His love?

Abba Father meets with us in empty places. As we diligently seek Him in prayer, He raises, restores, and reinforces us. Ever present, He’s always with us. Lovingly the LORD gives “… His song … in the night, A prayer to the God of my life”

Ps. 42:8. 

Perhaps a lengthy trial torments you today, and you wonder if praying yet again will make any difference. It will! Our God faithfully hears and responds as we cry out to Him:

Weary, empty I cry out

To You, the One who fills

Restless and pained I reach out

For Your comforting embrace.

Life. It troubles me sometimes.

Valleys low, rivers deep

I cling. Seeking safety, peace

Direction through stubborn storms.

 Fretful, uncertain, alone

I wait for You ~

Your loving hands that lift, Your

Tender touch, gentle presence.

And while I’m aching, looking

Faithfully You respond

Consistently You reveal

That in my night, You’re with me.

Your songs awaken my mind

Your words steady my heart

What blessed relief You bring

You whom my soul loves, longs for.

With me, forever with me

Though sometimes I

Feel alone. But always Lord

In night and day, You’re with me.

Does it really matter if we pray? By all means! For when we pray, God nourishes our hearts so we don’t give up. He fills our emptiness with His mercy and grace … with Himself.

Drawing Near,


Image courtesy of papaija2008
