
Faith In Action

So she did as Elijah said, and she and Elijah and her family continued to eat for many days.”
1 Kings 17:15, NLT

Faith_SignIsn’t it easy to claim faith in God when all is going great for us? I know it is for me. But, how well does our faith stand up when tested– does it reveal faith in action or faith in theory only?

God tested the faith of a widow in the village of Zarephath who, along with her son, faced starvation. God sent Elijah to the woman with instructions for her to feed him. She told Elijah, “I swear by the Lord your God that I don’t have a single piece of bread in the house. And I have only a handful of flour left in the jar and a little cooking oil in the bottom of the jug. I was just gathering a few sticks to cook this last meal, and then my son and I will die.”  1 Kings 17:12 NLT

The widow obeyed God and was blessed. Read today’s Dose verse. “There was always enough flour and olive oil left in the containers, just as the Lord had promised through Elijah.” 1 Kings 17:16 NLT

God also tested Abraham’s faith. “Take your son, your only son—yes, Isaac, whom you love so much—and go to the land of Moriah. Go and sacrifice him as a burnt offering on one of the mountains, which I will show you.” Genesis 22:2

Abraham obeyed God and was blessed. “… Because you have obeyed me and have not withheld even your son, your only son, I swear by my own name that I will certainly bless you. I will multiply your descendants beyond number… And through your descendants all the nations of the earth will be blessed—all because you have obeyed me.” Genesis 22:16-18 NLT

No doubt, things looked desperate for the widow and Abraham, as fear and uncertainty threatened their families, provision, and lives. Yet, they yielded their great uncertainty and fear to their greater faith in God to provide for their needs.

God sacrificed even more for us–His only Son for our sins!

Are you unable to see how your needs will be met and your family provided for right now? You wonder, “Should I obey the Lord and trust in what I can’t see or try and handle things myself?” Perhaps you’re resigned to die (like the widow was) because that’s all you can understand to do. Why not call out to God and obey Him (despite what you feel, see, or understand) instead? Now, that’s faith in action!

By grace through faith,


Faith of a Mountain Goat

“He makes my feet like the feet of a deer. He helps me stand on the highest places.”
2 Samuel 22:34, (NLT)

mountain-goat-2-1479086-639x852The mountain view was incredible as we drove through the countryside of Israel. White mountain goats dotted the surface of majestic but barren peaks. They didn’t worry about the giant 5,000 foot cliffs, the loose rocks and boulders that threatened to trip them. They were in their comfort zone. They walked as confidently as if they were on a level patch of the softest grass. It was as if they knew their Maker had designed them to be there, for this place to be home. It was as if they knew He had them in the palm of His hand.

Oh, to have the faith of a mountain goat, to understand that you are in the place and plan for which the Lord has designed you. Imagine the incredible peace we would all feel in our hearts if we knew without a doubt we were in the place, fulfilling the purpose for which the Lord has designed us.

Most of us can relate to having feelings of doubt caused by NOT knowing if we are in that place. I sure did – for years!

When I was a teeny-bopper in high school I was insecure in just about everything I tried to do. I didn’t feel “good” at anything. I knew what I “liked” to do, but that didn’t necessarily mean I was good at it. Quite to the contrary, I often felt like a failure because I would fail at something. I felt that if I failed it meant I was “less than” and my confidence and security would take a hit. “Maybe I’ll finally find something I am good at,” I thought. Tom didn’t have that problem. He seemed to be good at whatever he did – athletics, grades – whatever he wanted to do. At least that’s the way I saw him. I didn’t realize until years later that he had insecurities too.

Through the years I began to understand that we are all created with a purpose. We are gifted by our Creator with talents and abilities He intends to be used for Kingdom purposes. And just because we fail at something doesn’t mean we aren’t gifted to do that very thing.

My Granny used to have a saying that has stuck with me since I was a little girl. When I’d say those proverbial words “Granny, I can’t”, she would say, “Can’t never did do nothing.” She made me step outside my comfort zone enough to do whatever it was I needed to do. Then an amazing thing would happen. Whatever it was I couldn’t do – would be done. And when it was done it was no longer out of my comfort zone.

Who knows, maybe the very thing you feel you “can’t do”, is the very thing God will call you to do.

I was for me… my face was blood red with embarrassment as a crowd of 900 stared back at me…

Your Traveling Companion,



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Diligence: “Make Hay While the Sun Shines”

“Plant your seed in the morning and keep busy all afternoon, for you don’t know if profit will come from one activity or another—or maybe both.”

Ecclesiastes 11:6 NLT

Lawnmower_and_grass Diligence: Make Hay While the Sun Shines One morning I received a call from our lawn service guy. It was the day his team was scheduled to come cut our grass. He informed me that he thought it was going to rain that day so they’d try and come out on the following weekend to do the cut. No, I thought! Not good! He and his team had missed cutting the grass for the last couple of weeks. They’d committed to come take care of this today. Am I being too impatient, I wondered? I went outside and stared at the lawn again. Two beaver-looking critters scurried underneath the fence when they heard me approaching. A third lingered boldly, as if invited to a grassy buffet in our backyard. Nope, I am definitely not being too impatient; our lawn was in desperate need of a thorough cutting. These guys need to come out and take care of business this morning! I called our guy back and urged him to come cut the grass that very morning, before any rain hit, since it wasn’t raining yet! They came and cut the entire lawn before one raindrop fell. I wouldn’t be surprised if they also got in several other lawns before any rain fell that day because it didn’t rain until that evening! Our lawn guy thought he knew when the rain would come but he really didn’t. He was willing to put the work off just a little longer in anticipation of an outcome for which he had no control.Rodent_eating_grass Diligence: Make Hay While the Sun Shines

But, this tendency isn’t just a temptation for the lawn guy. How often do we put off doing what we know to do because of our own uncertainty of the outcome? We don’t share with others what God’s done in our life to change us for the better because we don’t know for sure what the results will be. What if we go all out and become vulnerable and nobody wants to talk with us? What if we share what He’s done in our life and nobody accepts what we’ve presented?

We’re reminded by our verse today to stay steadfast whether we know the outcome of our efforts or not. We are to keep working in what the Lord’s called us to do. We are limited by human understanding, however, God, who knows all things, has provided us directions to follow. Shouldn’t we be diligent in our obedience to the Lord?

By grace through faith,
