
Christmas Favorites

Faith, Hope, and Love (A word from Honduras)

Thank you Vicky, for this dose of encouragement.




“And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.” 

 I Corinthians 13:13

Christmas Favorites Day_1_Photo_1_Bible-300x226Jesus Christ’s gift of love is the BEST gift anyone can receive…

One fine spring day in 2008, as I was washing dishes & watching my children play outside, God spoke so clearly to me that it literally brought me to my knees. He was clear that I was to talk with my husband…He wanted our family to GO share the good news of Jesus Christ. After hours of crying & giving God reasons why it was impossible for us to do this, I finally told God I would talk with my husband. All the while thinking it would be ok, knowing my husband would simple look at me & say, “You’re crazy woman!”. To my utter amazement, when I shared God’s message with my husband, he stated, “What took you so long?!” This began our FAITH journey walking with the Lord.

So, we moved to Honduras Aug 1, 2009! We are not perfect “Christians” only willing vessels. We moved here, HOPING to make a difference in the lives of the lost. We make mistakes and pray that God will help us to learn from them. One lesson we have gleaned from our experience as missionaries is from I Cor. 13:13. He gave us FAITH to follow through with His command, HOPE to persevere and now He is showing us His LOVE in action. We never thought we could be what God is shaping us to be.

We have opened our home to over 20 young people over the last 3 years and are in the process of adopting one of these. Their stories are heart wrenching, ranging from being physically abused; rescued from human trafficking; close to death due to starvation; sold at age 10 & pregnant by age 11; escaping gang life or simple living on the street due to having no one to care for them. Their lives amaze us and their HOPE to have someone LOVE them is what has carried them through. Their lives keep us filled with FAITH that God has a bigger plan!

This Christmas season we feel honored to be a part of His plan to watch these young people grow closer to God and learn to have FAITH, HOPE & LOVE in the True King. We pray that your lives are filled with I Corinthians 13:13!

Vicky Crowder


The Unexpected Waters of Obedience

For many years now, I’ve kept some form of an online blog as a place to let my journals overflow into the hands of my friends and family (and the occasional stranger). It’s been a strange experience to see the places those once-private thoughts have landed, but I believe that the Lord gives each of us stories of grace, redemption, hope, and imperfection that are longing to be told to display His glory. Since being back in Thailand over the past few months, I’ve found that my blog has stayed silent while I’ve hashed out my thoughts through my social media accounts. Despite many of my posts turning into mini-blogs, I’ve felt the stories crying out to be told fully, and so this week I’d like to invite you into the uncut versions of my social media feed, in hopes that the words of the Lord find you and lift up your weary or discouraged hearts.


The Unexpected Waters of Obedience

Peter answered him, “Lord, if it is you, command me to come to you on the water.” He said “Come.” So Peter got out of the boat and walked on the water and came to Jesus.

Matthew 14:28-29 (ESV)

MondayNearly two years ago now, I was jumping on a plane to Manila, Philippines, and had no idea where it would actually take me. Before that first plane ride that would begin a round-the-world journey, I felt the Holy Spirit asking me to release the plans I had for myself and trust Him. I said yes, and spent the next year of my life meeting and serving with brothers and sisters in countries I had never dreamed of stepping foot in.

The funny thing about obedience and trust and faith and this whole journey with Jesus is this: in the beginning when we’re simply dipping our toes into the waters of obedience, we hope that this is the biggest step we’ll have to take, only to find ourselves submerged and swimming deeper years later.

The taste of obedience, even if it may be bitter or painful at first, is one of the sweetest things we can experience on earth as it draws us closer and closer to Jesus Himself. And so, one step turns to two, turns to two hundred, and on and on until you find yourself in one of the last places you expected. For me, that place is sitting on the floor of a classroom in Thailand, wondering when in the world this became a part of my 5 or 10 year plan.

Spending time in churches and the homes of believers around the world has shaken my life and faith in ways I cannot begin to describe. Being back in a country that claims religious freedom yet sees anything other than Buddhism as an insult to the king and the country invokes a mix of emotions to swirl in my heart – fear, hope, joy, burdens and more. I’m learning though, that part of what makes this whole journey so beautiful is recognizing that I have no idea what’s going to happen next. I don’t have all the answers; I don’t even know all of the questions!

None of us do, which is why it is so important to embrace and fully live in the places God has called us to and placed us in. Living cross-culturally and living missionally aren’t limited to visiting or moving to foreign countries. It’s not about grand experiences or great photos, or even miraculous stories. It’s about learning how your neighbor lives – your neighbor across the street or across the globe – and joining them, walking the streets they walk and listening to the stories they’ve lived.

We consistently see Jesus meeting people where they were: Zacchaeus in a tree, the woman at the well, and more. Let’s follow his example and take notice of our neighbors around us seeking His love and acceptance.


Biblical Truths I Learned From My Cats: Be Bold

It amuses me what God sometimes uses to teach us lessons. Lately, it seems my four cats (and others in my life) have been the source of a few biblical truths.


Be Bold

Be strong and courageous. Do not fear or be in dread of them, for it is the Lord your God who goes with you. He will not leave you or forsake you.

Deuteronomy 31:6, ESV


TophToph is not actually my cat. Technically, she belongs to Cat Depot, the organization for whom I foster kittens. She was only a month old when she was found running in circles on a busy street because she is completely blind. The vet said she’d probably been blind from birth, most likely from infection as a newborn. This little thing, who weighed less than half a pound, had somehow survived at least four weeks with no vision whatsoever. My children dubbed her Toph after a heroine in an animated TV series – a warrior girl who is blind.

Toph has lived up to her name. She’s never had any sight, but that doesn’t stop her from trying the same things I’ve watched many other kittens learn to do. At first, she was a little cautious, but then she learned to trust that if she were headed for danger, we would stop her. While she’s still confined most of the time to a large ferret cage for her own safety, she gets around just fine. She can find her bed, her litter box, her food and water bowls, and even her toys, by feel and sound and smell. She can climb the ramps to the other levels of the cage. When we let her out, she runs around the living room floor, and seems to know exactly where the furniture is. If you shake her ball that rattles, she will turn and immediately pounce right on it. It may take her a bit longer to figure things out such as how to maneuver a ramp, but she never hesitates to try. When I recently introduced her to another kitten so she’d have some company, she boldly began pawing all over him, “feeling” to see what he was. Then, deeming him an appropriate playmate, promptly pounced on him.

Why can’t we have that same approach to new things in our lives? We should never let fear (or our own limitations) prevent us from going after whatever He sets before us, even if it means stepping outside our comfort zones. God promises He will always be with us, that He will never leave us or forsake us. He tells us to be brave and courageous. We may not always be able to see where He’s taking us, but we know if we trust Him, He’ll take us someplace awesome. If a blind kitten can be bold, why shouldn’t we pounce on every opportunity we can, knowing our God is right there with us?

I know I’m already approaching crazy cat lady status … but I just might keep this little blind kitten to remind me that I don’t have to see where I’m going to know my God’s got this.

