
A Not-So-False Alarm

“The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy.”

John 10:10, NIV

DSC01468My husband and I simultaneously rocketed from flat on our backs with combined one-half twists and landed on our feet (minus the front somersaults, thank God) like two synchronized gymnasts.

“Burglary! Burglary! You have violated a protected area! Leave the premises immediately!”

As our security system’s 120-decibel scream split the tranquil night air, my eyes darted toward the clock: 1:48 a.m.―uh . . . far too early for visitors. My husband snatched his gun from its resting place and tried to shake off his grogginess. Bleary-eyed, I flipped on the outside flood lights and peered into the night’s shadowy stillness. Our security system indicated the garage motion detector. My husband checked it out as I answered the 911 dispatcher’s routine call.

“What’s your password?

I answered.

“Do you need assistance?”

“Not sure.”

Shortly, my husband returned from the garage and shrugged. “Nothing.”

“It’s a false alarm,” I told the dispatcher. “Thank you. All seems fine.”

Thirty minutes later, my husband and I lay in bed wide-eyed and still staring at the ceiling, adrenaline pumping. It would be so unlike my God not to take advantage of this opportunity to speak. Consequently, he did―of a not-so-false alarm: Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. He only comes to steal, kill, and destroy.

Spiritually, the thief will come . . . and he never drops in for a casual chat. Satan’s unwelcome visits always have a hidden agenda: to annihilate the children of God. Are we armed and ready for his covert entry? Do we set our alarms before we fall asleep?

The Holy Spirit has armed believers with weapons for spiritual warfare. But, like those who fall asleep, we often neglect to employ them. Subsequently, when our borders are violated there is no alarm to demand the intruder leave the premises. So he lingers. He rummages through the hidden crevices of our hearts and minds. He plants destructive doubt and fear. He steals all that is valuable. All may seem well on the exterior, but within . . . the thief secretly robs us of our comfort, hope, and peace.

Keeping our spiritual security system set assures us that when the enemy attempts to break in, our alarms will sound, the dispatcher will call, and when asked our password, we will confidently reply: “Jesus!”


God Can Use ANYTHING!: Tale of Two Serpents

God can and will use ANYTHING to speak to our hearts.  Join me this week as I share one of His creepy crawley visual aids!


Tale of Two Serpents

“If you stop listing to instruction, My child, you will turn your back on knowledge.”
Proverbs 19:27, NLT

woman-screaming-2You can only procrastinate for so long … the garage HAD to be cleaned.  Our two-week old puppies would soon need to be relocated, so the big push was on.  It took several days to get everything off the shelves and systematically piled in the driveway.  Barren shelves made it easy to see that a coat of paint was definitely in order. If you’ve ever painted anything, you understand that one stroke of the paintbrush leads to everything in sight getting painted!

Fifteen extra-large garbage bags and one over-sized trip to the Salvation Army later and my garage was spotless!  I was so elated that I even posted pictures on Facebook!  Driving into the garage was pure satisfaction, and I think my chest even puffed out a little as I strolled from my car to the back door.  Ahhhh …. I had done well!

Oh, I suppose I should mention that my son Jordan was the one who gave me the extra push at the very end when I was ready to call it quits.  The crowning blow was our neighbor showing up with a slithery five-foot black snake dangling on the end of his shovel.  Jordan and Ronnie wrestled that thing to the back of our acre lot all the while I was screaming, “Don’t let that thing get in my Day Lilies!”  What?  It always intrigues me to hear what absurd thing comes out of my mouth in a crisis.

Clean Garage. Check. Survived snake sighting.  Check.  My illogical logic reasoned that since this was the first snake larger than 12” I had seen in fourteen years, there surely wouldn’t be another one any time soon.

Tuesday was a great day.  After all, I had a clean, freshly painted and well-organized garage, I had survived a snake sighting, and did I mention that I had a clean, freshly painted and well-organized garage?  Well, Tuesday was a great day until I opened the back door to step out into my clean, freshly painted and well-organized garage to get the dog food, and I noticed about two feet of a black tail slithering under the steps.

I’m not quite sure how I got there, but I found myself in the driveway guarding the steps from a distance until my husband got home from work.

To make a long story short, Darin wrangled all six feet of that serpent out from under the steps and finally managed to kill the beast.  It was quite an ordeal … all the while, the Lord was speaking to my heart about some very important matters.  I’ll share those with you as we move through the week … one Dose of Encouragement at a time!

From my heart to yours,


Change: Never Say “Never!”

There’s an old saying, “If nothing changes, nothing changes.” As believers in Christ Jesus, we are called to change. Join me this week and consider some aspects of change in our lives as we walk with the Lord. Is there anything that you need changed?


Never Say “Never!”

“But Lord,” exclaimed Ananias, “I’ve heard many people talk about the terrible things this man has done to the believers in Jerusalem! And he is authorized by the leading priests to arrest everyone who calls upon your name.” 

Acts 9:13-14, NLT

Monday_Day_One_Pic-Praying_Woman “She’ll never change!” Have you ever said that about someone? Would it flip your weave to find out that she really had changed? We sometimes forget, even as believers who have been changed, that God has the power to change people! Maybe you’ve been labeled incapable of change or even believe it about yourself. But is that true?

Saul was a man changed by the Lord. His dramatic conversion, from a murderous, enemy of believers, to a follower of Christ himself, is told in Acts 9.

“As he was approaching Damascus on this mission, a light from heaven suddenly shone down around him. He fell to the ground and heard a voice saying to him, “Saul! Saul! Why are you persecuting me?” “Who are you, lord?” Saul asked. And the voice replied, “I am Jesus, the one you are persecuting! Now get up and go into the city, and you will be told what you must do.” … Saul picked himself up off the ground, but when he opened his eyes he was blind. So his companions led him by the hand to Damascus. He remained there blind for three days and did not eat or drink.” (Acts 9:3-9 NLT)

Read today’s Dose verse. Ananias was the believer whom God instructed to go find Saul (the new believer) and lay hands on him to receive the Holy Spirit.

God had changed Saul but Ananias had a hard time believing that Saul had really changed. I bet he thought, “This is the guy you want me to go befriend, pray for, and restore to sight? Come on, Lord, You know that Saul guy is straight craycray! He’s been killing us at the rapid rate!” I can understand his fear, can’t you? That kind of guy doesn’t ever really change, does he? But, he does indeed, if his heart is willing. God is all about changing people with willing hearts to be more like Jesus Christ. Once Ananias reached out to Saul and spent time with him, he found out that Saul really had changed.

We don’t need to reach the point of murderous intentions to realize change but we do need to reach the point where we believe that God can change anyone and will do so for those whose hearts are willing.

Dear one, do you believe you can never change? It’s not true. Be encouraged today in knowing that nobody is beyond God’s reach to change.

By grace through faith,


[Read Acts 9:1-31 for more of this story of Saul]