
Judge Not!

“Do not judge others, so that God will not judge you, for God will judge you in the same way you judge others, and He will apply to you the same rules you apply to others”.
Matthew 7:1-2 GNT

As I rounded the corner while on my morning walk in the neighborhood, a car came barreling out of its driveway like a crazy person. Another car had just turned onto the street, saw the car, and stopped, patiently waiting for the speedy car to go on its way. My first thoughts were, “How rude! Man, they need to slow down before someone gets hurt! Some people care about nothing but themselves driving like that in this subdivision!”

The rushing car, with dark tinted windows, sped down the street and was gone. It all happened so fast; I couldn’t tell you who was in the car, how many were in the car, what they looked like, nothing. All I know is that I heaped lots of judgmental and critical thoughts upon them for a few seconds.

The waiting car proceeded on its way, and suddenly I felt the prick of the Holy Spirit in my heart. The driver had chosen to be kind and thoughtful to the rushing individual. No obscene gestures or look of disgust were made as they slowly drove by me. In fact, they had exhibited the loving character of Christ in their actions.

I felt ashamed of my critical feelings. What did I know about the scenario? Absolutely nothing. The person in a hurry may have overslept and was running late for work. Maybe someone was ill and needed medical attention. What if there had just been a heated argument, or worse yet, abuse of some kind, and the driver needed to flee? What if they were just being careless and thoughtless? Either way, it was not my place to judge. It was my place to show the love of Jesus without condemnation. I had failed.

As I continued my pace, all kind of thoughts filled my head. How would I have wanted others to treat me if I had been the hasty driver? What good had it done me to make assumptions and judgments that were unjustified? Why did I have those opinions in the first place?

The rest of my walk consisted of humble confession and quiet contemplation of my actions. I had learned a valuable lesson about not judging. What an amazing God we serve who loves us unconditionally, knows our hearts better than we know it ourselves, and is quick to forgive and cleanse us from all unrighteousness. He alone is the great Judge and transformer of our hearts and minds. [Digging deeper – Matthew 7:1-5, 12; Romans 2:1-3, 12:21, 14:10-13; 1 Peter 2:23]

Walking free of judgment,

Beverly <><

Photo Credit: free public domain photo

Someone God Can Work With. And Through.

“For how can I endure to see the calamity which shall befall my people, and how can I endure to see the destruction of my kindred?”

Esther 8:6, NASB

Someone God Can Work With. And Through. ID-10075996Her heart for her people transcends time. Queen Esther’s sacrificial concern for fellow Jews still stands out, beckoning us to care that much. Or at least some. Any depth of concern for our neighbors, acquaintances, and loved ones is something God can work with.

Recently my husband preached about the Great White Throne, and the truth of this coming day sobers me:

“And if anyone’s name was not found written in the book of life, he was thrown into the lake of fire.” Revelation 20:15

After the service, I thought about a dear man we see regularly. He’s kind and talented, professional and generous. But he doesn’t know Christ. If we as the church witness Judgment Day, I can’t imagine looking our friend in the eye at that time, knowing I didn’t share Christ with him on earth. I can’t imagine the horror of seeing him thrown into the Lake of Fire. Forever…

Because that’s what awaits those who don’t trust Christ as Savior.

Remember Queen Esther? She risked her life to save her people from annihilation. Their existence meant a tremendous deal to her, so she took her feelings and put them into action. Willingly, she spoke on their behalf–to the king. Seeking his help, she pleaded for Jewish lives.

Esther’s desperate request changed everything. Though she appeared uninvited before the king, he responded favorably and allowed defensive measures to be instituted for God’s people. When destruction day arrived, the Jews fought back and protected themselves. Sovereignly, God used an orphan girl turned queen to deliver a nation.

Unlike Queen Esther, we possess a standing invitation to enter our King’s presence. Will we take advantage of this incredible opportunity to plead for those He’s placed in our lives? Do we really care? Are we willing to sacrifice?

I don’t know about yours, but my life feels like an accelerator stuck on 120 mph. Noticing individuals who need Christ and praying faithfully for them–let alone sharing the Good News with them personally–requires time and effort. But if God strengthened Queen Esther to overcome the obstacles she faced, surely He can strengthen us to reach others with the Gospel.

Because Judgment Day is coming.

I want to be someone God can work with. And through. I long to care deeply for others and Do. Something. About it. God will use us just as He used Esther if we yield to His will.

Loving Father in heaven, we bow before Your throne and acknowledge You as the one true God. You are holy, righteous, and just, as well as gracious and compassionate. We lift up the non-Christians You’ve put in our lives, boldly asking You to draw them to Your Son, Jesus Christ. Please save them. Remind us to pray faithfully for these dear ones with Godly care and Christlike love. Speak truth through us, and build Your kingdom as we reach out to others. In Jesus’ mighty name, Amen.


Image courtesy of David Castillo Dominici at