
Reasons to Rejoice

“But don’t rejoice because evil spirits obey you; rejoice because your names are registered in heaven.”
Luke 10:20, (NLT)

kenyan-running-man-1434616-640x480As the disciples return from their mission with joy and excitement, Jesus reminds them of the true reason to rejoice, “Because your names are registered in heaven.” Today let’s take a moment to pause and reflect on the gravity of our own salvation. Our names have been inscribed in the Lambs Book of Life – that alone is an incredible reason to celebrate! One day we will enter the gates of heaven and forever spend our time worshiping the King of King and Lord of Lords. Spend some time reflecting on your own personal testimony. Thank God for bringing us from death into life and reconciling us once again to Himself, and praise Him for all the incredible things we have to look forward to as heirs to His throne.





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A New You

“And have put on the new self who is being renewed to a true knowledge according to the image of the One who created him.”

Col. 3:10, NASB

medium_11345289194-2, A New YouNew shoes. New clothes. A new hairstyle. What is it about something brand-new that makes us smile? I don’t know anyone who dislikes receiving an unused item–especially among my female friends :).

Material novelties aside, how do you feel about becoming a new you? I mean on the inside … who you are … your character? If you’ve placed your faith in Christ, God is diligently renewing you. It doesn’t matter if you’re tall or short, blonde or brunette, soft-spoken or outspoken. God meticulously is working on you day-by-day and minute-by-minute. 

This truth encourages me immensely because let’s be real: sometimes life’s responsibilities become hum-drum. Doing dishes, washing laundry, cooking, and cleaning occasionally drive me crazy–I grow weary now and then of their constancy. Even more, repeatedly dealing with the same old sins can be discouraging. Why do I fail so often?

Friends, God isn’t taking who we were and fixing it up. At the moment of salvation, He ends our state of corruption and initiates a new beginning. This is HIS work, which I find extremely comforting.

“For I am confident of this very thing, that He who began a good work in you will perfect it until the day of Christ Jesus.” Phil. 1:6

Though I struggle with sins like selfishness and speaking thoughtlessly, God is making me new. Despite my frequent missteps, God is making me new. And He won’t stop until Jesus comes back.

What about you? What responsibilities or failures weigh you down? Pause. Look up. Be encouraged. Almighty God holds you in His hands and carefully shapes you through the very situations that just crossed your mind. In every aspect of life, God renews us with a true knowledge–an experiential knowledge–of Christ, while forming Christ in us at the same time.

Rejoice! God is making you new.

Much love to each of you in Christ,



photo credit: vanessafalle via photopin cc

Living to Please God: Rejoice Always

If people walk with me, talk with me, looking for truth

They’re gonna find out soon

If they’re following me, then they’re gonna follow you

So let my life speak loud and clear

Lord, I wanna hear

“Well done.”

Well Done – Mariah Peters

I want to live a life that pleases God. I’m pretty sure if you’re reading this blog, you do, too. It’s not always an easy thing to do. We all want to stand before the Father at the end of our lives on earth and hear,

“Well done, good and faithful servant. Come share in your Master’s happiness”
(Matt. 25:21).

 We know going to church, giving tithes and offerings, helping others, and all that good church-going stuff; but Paul gives some pretty clear instructions to the church in Thessalonica as to how to live a life that pleases God. This week, we’ll take a look at some of them.


Rejoice Always

“Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.”

I Thessalonians 5:16

As messed up as this world is, we have plenty of reasons to rejoice. Birthdays, holidays, marriages, anniversaries, and other special occasions are all reasons to celebrate. The simpler things in life – a baby’s first smile, the feel of a loved one’s hand in yours, or a beautiful sunset –are remarkable moments as well. When things make us happy, It’s easy to give God thanks (though sometimes hard to remember to).

What about the unexpected bill? The diagnosis you didn’t want to hear? The horrific news of a tragedy? The tunnel that seems so dark you can’t even see a hint of light at the end; and if you do, you’re afraid it’s just an oncoming train!  How are we supposed to give thanks for or rejoice in those circumstances?

The Bible is clear: we are to rejoice in all circumstances. Even the really crappy ones. I know when you’ve got the weight of the world on your shoulders, the last thing you want to do is rejoice. You’ve probably got the “pray continually” thing down at that point – we tend to pray more when we need more. But rejoice? How can I thank God for a diagnosis of cancer? How can I rejoice in a $600 car repair bill? 

The obvious answer is you can’t. God isn’t saying you should be happy the car broke down. He’s telling you to rejoice because you know Who is in control, and that He will get you through whatever circumstance arises.

The Greek word used in this verse is cairo, which means to be glad or rejoice exceedingly. Not just sort of. Not a lukewarm, half-hearted hurrah. Rejoice. Exceedingly. As in “to an unusual degree,” according to the dictionary. Pray. Sing. Dance if you want. David, a man after God’s own heart did exactly that – in the streets of Jerusalem, much to the dismay of his wife!

When God says, “rejoice always,” I don’t think he’s talking about rejoicing because we just got slammed with a huge, unexpected expense. God wants us to look for the things we can rejoice about in such circumstances. By looking for the things we can rejoice in, things we can be thankful for, and the things we can praise God for, we turn our focus away from our problems and back where it belongs – on Him.

Rejoice always. You have a Savior who loves you, who died for you. No one will ever love you the way He does.

Pray continually. Talking to God constantly keeps your focus on Him and the lines of communication open between your heart and His.

Give thanks to Him. Acknowledge who He is in your life and what He’s done for you.

“…for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.”

In His Love,
