
Jesus Gave a Solution

“These were his instructions to them: “The harvest is great, but the workers are few. So pray to the Lord who is in charge of the harvest; ask him to send more workers into his fields.”
Luke 10:2  (NLT)

day 7 always-there-1314423-1600x1200In this verse not only do we see Jesus pointing out the problem, but He also provides the solution. First, He reminds them who is in charge of the harvest, and then He asks them to pray for more workers. We can be comforted knowing the Lord is in control. He alone has the power to save, and He greatly desires to draw those living in sin and darkness to Himself. Today, let’s be reminded of God’s great love for all mankind and praise Him for His saving grace.  Pray that God will allow us to be part of the solution, and plead with Him to continue to send workers so that His kingdom may grow and flourish.




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