
Jesus Wept

“When Jesus saw her weeping, and the Jews who had come with her also weeping, he was deeply moved in his spirit and greatly troubled. And he said, ‘Where have you laid him?’ They said to him, ‘Lord, come and see.’ Jesus wept. So the Jews said, ‘See how he loved him!’”
John 11: 33-36 ESV

I have always remembered John 11:35 ESV “Jesus wept” as the shortest verse in the Bible. When I was a child, if a Sunday school teacher asked us to memorize a verse, someone would jokingly suggest that one because it was the easiest. Also, the question ‘What is the shortest verse of the Bible?’ would come up in trivia, and I always knew the answer! Recently though, this verse has given me a deeper meaning, and it has caused me to see the two words “Jesus wept” in a whole new way.

One evening last fall after the kids were tucked in bed, I was watching TV with my husband, and my phone rang. We both looked at each other because it was the time of night when no one usually calls, and we all know that feeling of dread that washes over us when this happens. I answered the phone and received the shocking news that a young family member of mine had died tragically. This type of life event usually causes us to stop our daily routines and spend time reflecting on questions that we do not normally think about. Over the next days as I drove 18 hours to the funeral and spent time grieving with my family, I struggled with this news and tried to find answers. Through it all I asked God ‘Why weren’t you there?’

In John 11, Mary and her sister Martha had lost their brother, and when Jesus arrived, they both said to him “Lord, if you had been here, my brother would not have died” (John 11:21 and 32 ESV). It strikes me that they asked the same question that I did. Jesus responded in a very human way. He knew God’s plan and what was about to happen, yet he was deeply moved and wept. This scene in the Bible reflects how Jesus is both God and man. He had flesh like us and therefore knew sorrow like we do, and yet he is God and we can go to him for comfort when we are grieving.

The words “Jesus wept” are no longer the answer to a trivia question to me. These two powerful words mean that when I am struggling (and we will experience tragedy on earth), that Jesus is with me and he knows grief too. Jesus is both my savior and comforter, and I am not alone.

Your sister in Christ,

Erin Tabor

Hanging On Every Word

“And He was teaching daily in the temple; but the chief priests and the scribes and the leading men among the people were trying to destroy Him, and they could not find anything that they might do, for all the people were hanging on to every word He said.”
 Luke 19:47-48 NASB

Over the past few months, my prayer life has consisted of intense intercession for specific friends and loved ones. They’ve experienced major hardships and sufferings such as becoming a widow before the age of 50; ministry friction due to inappropriate actions; grievous marital issues; and significant health concerns. Truth be known, interceding for others can be heart-wrenching and exhausting.

God’s Word and His presence are my lifeline during such seasons. I find myself like the people in our theme verses for today – hanging on every word that Jesus says. God never fails to speak to me in my times of need. He spotlights nuggets hidden within the verses of the Bible. It’s as if every Scripture or devotional thought I read is centered on what I need for that moment, that day.

However, I wouldn’t find those nuggets if I didn’t spend time in God’s Word. For instance, what nuggets do you see in the Luke passage above? Did you notice that Jesus was teaching daily in the temple? That’s EVERY day – and the people were making time to go and listen to Him. Are you making time for Jesus day after day? Do you hang on to each word He is saying? We can never adequately know how to pray for ourselves or others if we aren’t regularly meeting with Him.

Jesus’ enemies, the ‘religious’ leaders of the day (yes, sad but true), tried to put an end to His life (vs. 47). But they couldn’t. Our enemies will try to destroy us to get at God. But they can’t. His words are inextinguishable. His words are truth. His words are powerful. His words are Life! Do you know them?

Whether you are interceding on someone’s behalf or trudging through your own tough stuff, yearn for God like the deer longs for streams of water (Psalm 42:1). Rise early in the morning to meet with your Lord like the people in Jesus’ day who hurried to the temple first thing in the morning (Luke 21:38). In the distractions of life, be like Mary – stop, sit at Jesus’ feet, and listen to Him (Luke 10:39). Hang on to His every word. He has so much to tell you.

[Digging deeper – Psalms 77:11-12, 119:131; Luke 17:21; John 8:2]

Longing for Him,

Beverly <><



Photo Credit: by Beverly Lussi

A Lamp For My Feet

“Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path.”
Psalm 119:105 (NIV)

When I picture God’s word being a lamp for my feet, my twenty-first century mind imagines a lamp shining a bright path at least ten feet in front of me. However, scripture was not written by a person with a twenty-first century mindset. This passage was written by a person with a first century mindset. Their lamps were very different from ours.

When I visited an ancient town in Israel, I was given a first century lamp as a souvenir. These lamps had the capacity to shed light one foot in front of the person carrying them. It was just enough light for the person to be able to stop themselves from an injury directly in front of them, but not nearly enough light to see further than the next step ahead.

This metaphor vividly portrays the concept of living by faith and not by sight. This concept emulates not worrying about tomorrow but trusting in God’s sovereignty and control. We may not know our future or be able to control the circumstances around us, but God’s word gives us enough light to walk through every moment under His protection. His word will guide and direct our steps. We just have to believe He will continue doing so for every consecutive step.

Be blessed,





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