
Living with Grief Part Two

“Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.” 
Proverbs 4:23 NIV

The last daily dose we examined some ways to help ourselves through the grieving process. We considered extending grace to others when we are hurting, and focusing on daily tasks to help us restore some normalcy. This is part two of the series. Here are three more  practical ways to help as we mourn and heal during times of tragedy or loss.

5. Find the good – Look for it, no matter how small. I focused on any good news I could find during the sadness. These things were small comforts, but they helped.

6. Set your heart- When the heart breaks it is like a broken bone. If it’s not set appropriately it will heal crippled- perhaps with guilt, anger, or bitterness. In your grieving, seek to keep the attitude of your heart healthy. You can do this by healthy mourning, praise and worship, finding comfort in a Bible reading or talking to trusted friends.

7. Take it to God- Whatever emotion you have in the healing process, God can handle it. He has BIG shoulders.        Remember, we have a Savior who’s acquainted with grief.  Jesus wept at His friend Lazarus’ death.  He knows how we feel.

The book of Job is a whole entreaty about mourning.  Job mourns, his wife mourns, his friends mourn with him.  Eventually Job takes his grief to God who sets him on a solid path.  God reminds Job that He is in charge and that nothing happens that He doesn’t allow.  Once Job repents of his bitter attitude and returns to God with humble acknowledgment, he begins to heal.  And in the end, Job is restored.  We can be restored too.

For our final daily dose in this series, we will finish with some additional ways to find  and extend comfort to others. These can be as simple as spending time in nature, or remembering what God has done in our past.

In Him,

Amy Horton

Living with Grief Part One

“Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted.” 
Matthew 5:4 NIV

The past 6 months have been filled with some incredible joys (birth of our first baby) as well as incredible heartbreak (death of a family member). After a second time of mourning, I decided to write what I was learning about–mourning in a healthy way. So rarely does anyone preach on this, and there are so few resources. Hopefully the following suggestions will prove beneficial when you face a season of grief.

1. Rally the troops- Get everyone you know to pray.  If we truly knew the power of prayer I’m sure we would engage it more.  This is one of those times when prayer reaches into the crevices of the heart in ways we can’t begin to understand.

2. Focus on daily tasks- When bad news is heard, there is a period of shock. It can be difficult knowing how to go on as you mentally process this news. Caring for yourself physically is a tangible first step in the process. Eat enough, drink enough, rest. After hearing difficult news, I knew I had to continue eating and drinking because I was nursing my child. I also found comfort in the normalcy of everyday tasks like doing dishes and laundry – you need to take breaks from the grief while you can. Grief comes in waves; take advantage of the breaks. Also find what you might do to ease the load for the someone else – a meal taken to their home, a quick phone call of encouragement (more on what to say later), pick up the kids at school or run a quick errand.

3. There is no skipping the process- Many well-meaning people will find a ‘silver lining’ and move on. This never actually facilitates the mourning process.  To fully heal, expect to experience these steps: Disbelief and/or Denial, Anger, Depression, and finally Acceptance. You may vacillate between these emotions and the order is different for everyone. There is also no specific time limit to this process.

4.Words heal but they can also hurt- Expect that during a grieving period or perhaps at the funeral someone will say the wrong thing. This is because people care but many struggle to adequately express their own feelings in words. No one can truly understand your loss; it will be different for everyone. The worst culprit is “I know how you feel” or bringing up an example of a minor loss that doesn’t relate. Accept their comments in good faith.  A simple “thank you” will often suffice in response. Someday you will be in their shoes on the outside of a tragedy trying to comfort someone who’s experienced a loss.

Some additional points in the grieving process will be coming in parts two and three of this series. There will be tips on keeping the right mindset as we grieve and allowing God to help us heal.

In him,

Amy Horton


On Your Mark, Get Set, Rest!

“Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly.”
Matthew 11:28-30 The Message

I’m a planner and a doer with a pretty high level of energy. But when I get on overload, my body has a way of letting me know. Over the years, it has manifested itself through hives, back pain, mouth ulcers, fever blisters, and heart palpitations. With each occurrence, it seemed God was trying to get my attention by reminding me of Psalm 46:10, “Be still . . . cease striving . . . let go . . . relax . . . and know that I am God.”

Why is it so hard for some of us to take time to rest in the Lord? For me the best answer is summed up in the following quote by Chuck Swindoll.

“Busyness rapes relationships. It substitutes shallow frenzy for deep friendship. It promises satisfying dreams but delivers hollow nightmares. It feeds the ego but starves the inner man. It fills a calendar but fractures a family. It cultivates a program but plows under priorities.”

Busyness is probably the number one stealer of the true rest that God intended for His children. And the world doesn’t help by applauding and exalting the workaholic busy-is-better mentality. To combat this, I offer a few suggestions to help renew the mind and body when it needs respite.

  • Remember: You are not indispensable, so don’t be afraid to share the workload.
  • If you are exhausted, stop and take a break! (easier said than done, I know; but try)
  • Ask God (and others) to reveal any unhealthy/unnecessary habits you may have that rob you of your time and energy. Be willing to make some changes.
  • Take periodic breaks from your daily routine by: relaxing, taking some deep breaths, sipping on a cup of coffee/tea/chai, listening to soothing music, reading something enjoyable, or simply ‘being’ with God.
  • God took time to rest – enough said!

[Digging deeper – Exodus 33:14, 34:21; Ecclesiastes 4:6; Mark 6:31; Romans 15:32; Hebrews 4:10]

Learning to rest,

Beverly <><