
Practical Helps for our Quiet Times

“I will study your commandments and reflect on your ways. I will delight in your decrees and not forget your word.” 
Psalm 119:15-16 (NLT).

It’s 8:00 in the evening. The kids are finally in the bed, the last of the dinner dishes have just been loaded into the dishwasher, the coffee pot is set for tomorrow and the kids lunches are packed in the fridge. You heave a great big thankful sigh, walk into your living room, get ready to sit down in your comfy chair and put your feet up to relax, when you remember you haven’t spent any time with the Lord that day. The feeling of guilt washes over you, followed by the mental war of whether to give yourself grace and go relax or dutifully go and open your Bible to at least pray a Psalm of thanksgiving for making it through another crazy day. Ever had one of those days? I know I have! And it’s never a fun way to end a day.

First, let me say this: please choose grace in those situations. God chooses grace every day with the atoning sacrifice of His Son. Secondly, it’s much easier for me to have my quiet time with the Lord if I have a plan and stick to it. I’d like to share a couple of those strategies with the hope that they will help you too.

  1. Set aside time when you are most alert. If you are a night owl and come alive after your children are in bed to spend time with God, wonderful! That’s not me. I have to choose to go to bed early enough so I can set my alarm to wake up before my kiddo to get my time in with the Lord.
  2. Have all your quiet time stuff (whatever you use: Bible dictionaries, journals, colored pencils…) all in one spot. There’s been one too many times the Lord has revealed something new and insightful from His Word to me and I’ve forgotten it because I was too lazy to get up and grab a pen. It’s MUCH easier when everything is already in one spot.
  3. Have a plan. Yes, God can use the “closing your eyes, opening your Bible and laying your finger on any part of the page” method, I do not recommend this as a regular routine. Choose the gospels, the Pentateuch, the epistles of Paul… go online where there’s many wonderful suggestions. Just have a plan.
  4. Use the wonderful resources of technology we have our fingertips this day and age! But, if one of your weaknesses is opening your phone or computer and automatically going to Facebook, Instagram or E-mail, try and turn the technology off for a while.

5. Finally, EXPECT the Holy Spirit to speak directly to you when studying the Bible. Bible commentaries are wonderful, but don’t rely upon them. Know that the Holy Spirit is the revealer of Truth Who brings understanding to the scriptures and He lives inside you! Ask Him to help you understand what you’re reading.

Noree Wegmeyer


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Work, Abundance and Harvest

“The Harvest is plentiful. But the workers are few.”
Matthew 9:37 (NIV)

When I go into my backyard nowadays, I see my overgrown garden. One that is filled with weeds and overgrown plants, including cucumbers that have turned yellow and overwhelming overgrowth. But it wasn’t always this way.

A few months back I first carefully researched and planned what I would plant and where I would plant it. I visualized all of the great crops my plants would produce and all of the fresh herbs, fruits and vegetables I would have. I pictured abundance of produce!

For a little while I kept up with my garden. I tended to it by pruning it, watering it and using fertilizer and insect repellent to ensure that I would have the healthiest plants.

What area in your life do you visualize abundance in? Do you picture abundance, in friends, finances or even your health?

Things are going good, until suddenly the “excitement of expectation” wares off and you are left to do the hard work of either gardening or dieting or exercising or working or whatever else you need to do but don’t feel like doing it.

 The soul of the lazy person has strong desires but gets nothing, but the soul of the one who does his best gets more than he needs. Proverbs 13:4

We tend to give up once the novelty is gone and the excitement has worn off. We still want the reward but not the work.

I decided one day that I didn’t need to water or tend to the garden. Then I decided the same thing the next day, and by the time I went on vacation and came back, the plants were too high, the cucumbers needed picking and I needed to pluck the weeds from the garden. I became overwhelmed and it seemed easier to let it go than to deal with it. I just ignored it and pretended it wasn’t a problem and that it wasn’t there. I knew that I needed to tend to my garden, but I decided I didn’t want to put that effort into it anymore.

We do that with our physical bodies. We do that with our spiritual bodies.

Those too lazy to plow in the right season will have no food at the harvest. Proverbs 20:4

If we want to reap the benefits of the harvest, we must be willing to do the work.

We can’t will it to happen overnight. We need to be intentional with our efforts.

I can’t enjoy bountiful produce from my garden without putting in the work. You can’t enjoy the benefits of abundant living without putting in the work.

There is so much potential that awaits us. It is there for us to grasp, but we stop putting in the work because it is hard and isn’t producing results fast enough.

Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few.” Matthew 9:37

Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. Galatians 6:9

We can experience the plentiful harvest if we are willing to put in the work.

What is an area of your life that are you willing to start putting in the work to reap the harvest has He has waiting for you?

Blessings friends!

Stephanie Miller



Photo Credit: image created via wordswag

Empowered by the Word

“For this reason we also constantly thank God that when you received the word of God which you heard from us, you accepted it not as the word of men, but for what it really is, the word of God, which also performs its work in you who believe.”
1 Thessalonians 2:13 NASB

The Bible is such an amazing life-giving book. For a Christian, learning and living out its truths is a significant spiritual discipline. However, even the most seasoned believer can at times become inattentive and uninspired while perusing the Scriptures.

Today I want to challenge you to consider the condition of your time spent in the word of God. To better gauge where you are in this discipline, ask yourself these questions:

  • Does my time in Bible reading/study look any different than it did one, ten, twenty years ago?
  • Do I understand what I’m reading?
  • Am I putting into practice what I’m learning from the Scriptures?
  • Is there an enjoyment and anticipation in reading God’s word, or boredom and apprehension?
  • Do I read the Bible daily or on a hit-and-miss routine?

Before going any further, let me encourage you to NOT fall prey to the comparison game between your reading and studying habits verses the practices of others. We are all different in how God made us and where we are in our spiritual journey.  You need to seek God for where you need to be, not where someone else may think you need to be.

Now, if you feel your time in the word of God could use some empowerment and rejuvenation, check out these suggestions as you ask Him to open your eyes to His remarkable truths.

  • Try reading from more than one translation, especially for hard to understand passages.
  • Purchase the Bible on CD for trips in the car; download Scripture on your phone and listen while walking/exercising/cleaning the house/cooking/etc.
  • Read the Scriptures aloud to keep your mind from wandering off into never-never-land.
  • Write memory verses on 3×5 cards. Place them around the house; in your purse; in your car; at work.
  • Use a devotional book to help you focus before you begin your time in the Word.
  • While at home, keep a Bible within easy reach of the kitchen or living room. Take/make time to stop and read it.
  • For easy access while on the computer, add sites like and to your favorites.
  • Right now, grab your Bible and dig deeper: Psalm 119: 11,103, 105, 147-149, 169; Luke 11:28; Acts 20:32; Colossians 3:16; Hebrews 4:12.

Revived by His word,

Beverly <><


Photo Credit: Lin.