
Let It Go!

“Cast your burden on the LORD [release it] and He will sustain and uphold you.” 
Psalm 55:22 AMP

Many of you have probably heard of Disney’s movie Frozen and its popular song Let It Go! I’m not necessarily a big fan of the lyrics, but I do like the title. Let me explain.

As Christians, I think we’d all agree that none of us are exempt from the daily troubles and temptations of life. Just because we love God and seek to follow Him doesn’t mean we have it all together. However, learning to apply these three little words – LET IT GO – could prove to be very beneficial in certain situations.

STRESS! Does anyone besides me have issues with that? Stress comes in all kinds of packages. Some are simply beyond our realm of control. Others we create by our busyness and excessive commitments. Other situations just simply require us to let it go. The results of the latter application have proven very beneficial on a personal level.

WORRIES AND CARES. Like stress, anxiety and concerns may or may not be of our own doing. We find instruction in the Scriptures to not worry and to cast our cares on God. Not as easy as it sounds, but if we’ll hold all things with an open hand, it’s much easier to let it go.

UNFORGIVENESS. If you struggle in this area, let me remind you that you are hurting yourself more than the person you choose not to forgive. Holding on to those wrongs will eat at you like cancer and create a bitter heart. Let it go. Give the offense and the person to God. You may have to do it more than once, but the outcome will always be for your good.

FLAWED THINKING. That would be the same as bad, wrong, unhealthy, evil, impure…I think you get my drift. Whether from temptation or random thoughts, we need to get a grip on our thought life. As soon as you recognize that ‘stinking thinking’, let it go! However, be quick to replace the bad with the good.

Father, help us to be quick to grasp those areas of our lives that need to be turned over to         you. May we be quick to let it go, casting it all away, knowing You will take those burdens         and troubles from us. Amen and amen!

[Digging deeper – Prov. 23:7a; Matt. 6:25-34; Phil. 4:6-8; Col. 3:13; 1 Peter 5:8]

Releasing the grip,

Beverly <><

Spiritual Blindness-Saved by a Talking Donkey!

Then the Lord opened Balaam’s eyes, and he saw the angel of the Lord standing in the roadway with a drawn sword in his hand. Balaam bowed his head and fell face down on the ground before him.”
Numbers 22:31 NLT

One day, I watched someone attempt to back out of a parking space at a local drug store.  They couldn’t get more than a few feet out of their parking spot due to a little car that was stopped behind them to their right and a van stopped behind them to their left. The driver began to tap their horn but no other vehicles moved. Finally, he laid on his horn motioning for somebody, anybody, to move. What the frustrated driver couldn’t see was that the driver of the little car was in a long line and purposefully left a gap so as not to block the intersection leading to the bank. The irate driver was blind to the reality of the situation from his angle of view.

When we rely on our own wisdom instead of God’s, we can fall prey to spiritual blindness.

Balaam learned this lesson in an unusual way. He was a sorcerer propositioned by the King of Moab to put a curse on the Israelites for money. God had already told Balaam not to go. Balaam outwardly said he had no power to go against God’s will but in his heart he wanted the money! Eventually he headed out with the Moabite officials. Balaam’s donkey saw the angel of the Lord blocking her way and she attempted to avoid it three times in order to save Balaam’s life. Balaam beat his donkey in a fit of increasing anger because she wouldn’t go down the path. Then, a funny thing happened–God gave the donkey the ability to speak, and she asked Balaam why he beat her! Now, if I had just beaten my donkey in a fit of rage and she started asking me why, I believe I would have jumped from the beast and run! But, Balaam answered her and shortly afterward, the Lord opened Balaam’s eyes to what he could not see earlier. Balaam confessed his sin, obeyed the Lord and blessed, rather than cursed, the Israelites.

Balaam missed every sign from his donkey that there was trouble in his path even though he was a wise sorcerer. He was unable to see what was right in front of his face because he was focused on his own wisdom and desires.

Only God, through the Holy Spirit, opens our eyes to the truth so that we can clearly see the obstacles in our path. Is spiritual blindness clouding your vision today?

By grace through faith,


The Great Fixer Upper

“He restores my soul.”
Psalm 23:3 NASB

As I look through my dining room window, I catch a glimpse of the old church pew sitting on the front porch. A gift from my son and daughter-in-law several years ago, it remains unfinished. I really should do something with it. It’s an eyesore; a weathered and worn out piece of furniture.  Rather ugly and useless since it is not a very inviting place to sit. What a great project it would be for one of those TV shows that can turn junk into treasure!

Thinking about it, there have been times when I deemed myself to be much like the description of that pew. Maybe you have, too. I felt tired and worn out; worthless and of no use to anyone; unattractive, both inside and out.

During those times, we can rest assured knowing that we have a fixer upper that trumps all the experts on every TV show combined. He’s our Shepherd – the guard, caregiver, and ruler of the flock. He watches over us, tends to our needs, feeds us, and delights in our presence.

He restores my soul. He renews my strength. He refreshes my soul. He renews my life. [Ps. 23:3 NASB; NLT; NIV; HCSB]

As the great Shepherd, God watches over us and knows our every want and desire. He sees when we’re weary and inadequate. Gathering us in His arms, He carries us to a safe place and renews, repairs, and renovates our tired soul, bringing much-needed healing. And then, He tenderly guides our steps in the right direction because He has a purpose and plan for our lives…for YOUR life! (read the rest of Ps. 23:3).

[Digging deeper – Psalm 19:7; Psalm 51:12; Isaiah 40:29-31]

Being restored,

Beverly <><