
Unlimited Talk and Data – For Free!

“Making the most of your time, because the days are evil.”
Ephesians 5:16 NASB

It’s rare to go anywhere these days and not see folks with a phone in hand, talking, texting, or scrolling up and down. They’re on the phone while driving, walking on the sidewalk, or dining at a restaurant. Kids riding on the school bus, passengers at the airport, families sitting at home – all busy on their phones. Standing in line or in a waiting room, it’s not uncommon to see people playing a game or typing on the keypad. Bluetooth or ear buds make it convenient to talk hands free while shopping or working at home.

Can you picture what it would look like if Christians spent as much time communing with God and studying the Bible as they do on their phones?

I’m not suggesting we ignore people and have our heads bowed in prayer all the time, oblivious to those around us. Rather, I am hinting at putting those phones away and being with Jesus instead. Access to Him is unlimited, free, and available – ALL THE TIME! No dropped calls ever!

Next time you’re riding in the car or waiting for an appointment, put the phone away and spend time praising God or interceding for your family, friends, church, or your country. Ok, I will concede that you could use your phone and read the Scriptures while you are waiting if you have a Bible app. That would be a good thing!

As you stand in line at the grocery store or wait as your kids play at the park, be aware of those around you. The Holy Spirit can certainly prompt you to pray for that frazzled mom with three restless little ones in tow. The disgruntled cashier may need a loving smile and some intercessory prayer on their behalf.

If you have a cell phone, or even a land line, I challenge you to assess your time spent on it daily. Commit to spend at least half that amount of time or more with your heavenly Father each day. Time spent talking to Him and reading and studying His word is invaluable. And remember, you’ll never have to ask Him, “Can you hear me now?!”

[Digging deeper – Luke 18:1; Romans 12:2; Ephesians 6:18; 1 Thessalonians 5:17; 2 Timothy 2:15; Hebrews 4:16]


Beverly <><


Photo Credit: used by permission from; Paul L. Dineen, three women walking together while on cell phones

Developing Endurance and Maturity

“Dear brothers and sisters, when troubles of any kind come your way, consider it an opportunity for great joy. For you know that when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow. So let it grow, for when your endurance is fully developed, you will be perfect and complete, needing nothing.”
James 1:2-4 NLT

In Arizona, under a three acre glass dome, scientists tried to re-construct Earth’s ecosystem. Windless, scientists were quite surprised when trees suddenly started falling over, collapsing under their own weight. These scientists discovered wind actually plays a vital role in a plant’s life. The stress of the wind causes trees to grow what is known as “stress wood,” which helps the tree to complete maturity to live a long, healthy life. (Anupum Pant, “A Role of Wind in a Tree’s Life,” Awesci Science Everyday, accessed February 21, 2017,

James commands us to rejoice in trails because they make our faith mature and complete. The disciples witnessed one of Jesus’ coolest miracles when they were in the midst of gale force winds on the Sea of Galilee. Mark 4:35-41 tells us that Jesus rebuked the wind and waves commanding them to “Be still!”. The disciples were witnesses to the wind and waves obeying Jesus! Just as Jesus has power over the wind and waves, so too He has power over any storm in your life.

Living life in a protective bubble might sound ideal, but I submit to you we would miss some of God’s mightiest works in our lives if we did live in a bubble. With this in mind, I encourage you to trust and praise Him in your storms of life. He is faithful.

Noree Wegmeyer


Photo Credit: Image courtesy of

Playing Hide and Seek

 I have strayed like a lost sheep. Seek your servant, for I have not forgotten your commands.

Psalm 119:176 NIV

Do you remembers playing hide and seek as kids? The feeling of retreating to your hiding spot in hopes that you won’t get caught before you made it back to “base” or “safety”. The object of the entire game is for others to HIDE while one person is to SEEK those people out.


We may attempt to hide from Him, either as a lost person or a believer plagued with shame and guilt, but either way He seeks us out and He will find us.

While we may try to hide from God, to hide those ugly and messy parts, God sees and He knows. He sees us in the good, bad and the ugly (even when you lose your temper with your spouse/kids or when you backslide in a unhealthy habit)

He sees. He knows. He loves us still.

Psalm 119:176 – I have strayed like a lost sheep. Seek your servant, for I have not forgotten your commands.

When we hide and we don’t feel worthy of going before him, we give the enemy an advantage. He will do anything and everything he can to steal, kill and destroy what God is doing. That tug that you feel to apologize or ask for forgiveness is Godly sorrow.

When “the seeker” finds us, we are far from put together, but when we use that tug to pull us towards God and not away from Him, we are made new in His grace.

To experience the fullness of God you must embrace the fullness of forgiveness.

Just like the actual game of hide and seek, we can be relieved when we are found, because that means that we don’t have to take matters into our own hands and try to find our way back to “base” or “safety”. When we follow the one that “seeks” us we will be found, and never have to “hide” again. Praise God!

Many blessings sweet friends,



Photo credit: image created via wordswag