
A Lament for our Country

“Give ear to my prayer, O God; And do not hide Yourself from my supplication. Give heed to me and answer me; I am restless in my complaint and am surely distracted.”
Psalm 55:1-2 NASB

woman-praying-300x187Did you know that over 60 of the Psalms are considered laments? That’s not a word we use very often today. A lament, according to Merriam-Webster, is to express sorrow, regret, or unhappiness about something. We see a true expression of this in Scripture, especially in the Psalms. There is no faking it with God – complaint, anger, doubt, and worry is spewed out. There’s a sense of wrestling with God, yet He is never blamed. Instead, confidence, praise and joy are found within each lament.

Here in the United States, our presidential election is just around the corner. I don’t know about you, but the direction our country is headed grieves my soul. I find myself crying out to God for mercy and healing for our once great land. The fulfillment of Isaiah 5:20 (NASB) is becoming a reality:

Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; Who substitute darkness for light and light for darkness; Who substitute bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter!

Many of my prayers have become laments. Would you join me in crying out to the God of the universe to turn our hearts back to Him? But as with most laments within the Psalms, let us not forget to offer our declarations of praise and adoration to God Almighty. Let us not forget to request His help and intercession. Let us not forget to confess our own sins, as well as the sins of our country. Our God is still in control and in that we put our hope.

O God, in You and You alone I put my trust because there is no god but You. I know Your truths, power and salvation, yet many in our land are clueless of Your existence and ways. Whatever is right in their own eyes is their pursuit. Perversions and sexual immoralities are embraced as normal. Goodness is treated with suspicion and absolutes are deemed obsolete. Our country is such a deplorable mess. Help us, O God! Forgive us for turning our eyes away from You. Revive, restore, and heal us once again. Bring salvation to the leaders of this country. Our lives are in Your hands. All praise and honor and power be to You. Amen and Amen!

[Digging deeper – Psalms 11, 12, 56, 71, 85, and 90]

Confident in Him,

Beverly <><

Look, He Blinked!

Imitate God, therefore, in everything you do, because you are his dear children. Live a life filled with love, following the example of Christ. He loved us and offered himself as a sacrifice for us, a pleasing aroma to God.”
Ephesians 5:1-2 NLT

boys_pose_as_mannequinsOne day while I was at the mall, I watched a little girl try desperately but unsuccessfully to convince her family of something she’d seen. It wasn’t that she hadn’t seen what she described to them, but that each time her family came around to checkout what she described, they saw nothing. She was so frustrated as her mother and siblings practically dragged her off down the mall. The little girl wasn’t making up a story; I’d witnessed the same thing she had. Two boys would come to the front of a store and position themselves in the display window, standing perfectly still, or posing, like mannequins. Many people didn’t see them or passed by without acknowledging them. When any passersby stopped to investigate, and noticed that they were indeed real people, they’d laugh victoriously and run back into the store, away from the window and out of sight. They repeated this little trick over and over, more elated with each surprised ‘victim’. They were children having fun at the expense of others. My daughter recognized that they were not really mannequins when one of the boys blinked. The little girl saw one of the boys blink also, and they were discovered, so they ran away. By the time the girl got her family to come back over to the store, the boys were gone. Her family never witnessed their mannequin imitations and subsequently didn’t believe her story.boys_in_storefront_window

Sometimes people have a hard time believing our stories when we tell them we are followers of Christ because we don’t really reflect Him very well. We don’t love others (especially our enemies). We don’t resist behavior that runs contrary to godly character. We only imitate the qualities of Christ that we are comfortable with and ignore the ones that will challenge us to be tested and grow in spiritual maturity. When challenged, we ‘blink’ and are discovered to be lacking in Christlikeness. Today’s Dose verse calls us to follow God’s example in everything that we do. God desires for us to be like Christ Jesus—to act like Him and think like Him. As difficult as it may seem to imitate Christ in all we do, we must remember that nothing is impossible with God. We can ask Him to intervene in our lives with His supernatural power. He’s waiting and willing to help us be transformed into Christlikeness.

Are you imitating Him in everything today, or are you poised to ‘blink’?

By grace through faith,


Rejoicing In ALL Things – Even Cracked Eggs and Spilled Milk!

“Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, rejoice!”
Philippians 4:4 NASB

beth_messTake a good look at today’s picture and see if you can tell what it is. It is a for real picture I recently received via text from my daughter Bethany. There’s close to a gallon of milk and two dozen eggs on the floor because the grocery bag ripped seconds before making it to the kitchen counter. What a mess!

Bethany’s morning had not gone well. She woke up sleep deprived due to her little girls not sleeping well during the night. The cupboards were bare so it was off to the store. Once there, she discovered she had left her grocery list at home. I had been receiving texts on and off from her all morning. Then came the picture of the fiasco. Our text conversation follows:

Bethany: Jesus take me home. Out of 2 dozen eggs only 5 survived.

Me:  What happened?

Bethany: The paper bag said, “Nope! Not today!” I was inches away from the counter. (frown face)

Me: Even if they are cracked you could still use them. At least soon or in baking.

Bethany: There were no cracks. They were all exploded except for five.

Can any of you relate??? If you have kids, I know you can. I hate to admit it, but I did chuckle a bit. Memories flooded my mind of similar days when raising my four children.

Now take a look at today’s Scripture verse. Rejoice . . . ALWAYS! Is that really possible? I’ll admit I fall short of that command at times. However, if you read the verse in its context, you’ll discover helps that make it easier to rejoice in the tough times. In verses 6-9, we’re encouraged to not be anxious, to lift our requests to God with thanksgiving, to dwell on the good things, and to practice the teachings of God taught to us by our spiritual leaders.

Next time you find your day not going as planned, stop and rejoice in the Lord. Give it to Him and let His peace fill you. I’m proud to say that my daughter chose to rejoice in the Lord even with milk and eggs all over the floor. Her last text said, “I made chocolate chip cookies to make the day better and praised God when they came out good!”

[Digging deeper – Ephesians 5:20. Philippians 4:4-9. 1 Thessalonians 5:16, 18]

Ever rejoicing,

Beverly <><