

“And Abraham called the name of that place, The LORD Will Provide, as it is said to this day, ‘In the mount of the LORD it will be provided.’”

Genesis 22:14, NASB

3407962551_66748ef3de_b-750x567Tossing and turning, I fretted about a financial situation. Sleep eluded me in the wee morning hours as tears wet my cheeks. I wrestled to rest…

God will provide.

Suddenly, quietly, this thought eased into my mind and heart. I’ve no doubt it was the Holy Spirit, gently comforting me with this timeless truth.


How long have I understood this aspect of our marvelous God? Years upon years! Yet I still need reminding every so often because I’m, well, I’m human. Life ratchets up, pressures mount, and despite the faith God has planted in me, sometimes I wonder. I worry. I weep.

All the while, God holds me in His tender hands. He knows everything and wisely cares for me–He provides for every need. My elevated concerns and attempts to control matters don’t prompt Him to action. Rather, God provides for me…

because that is who He is.

God’s provision doesn’t depend on our goodness, our adequacy, our labors, our anything. God provides for His children because that’s His nature. Of course, we need to fulfill our responsibilities and work accordingly, but God doesn’t base all of His actions on ours. Sometimes He tests us, which stretches and grows our faith, yet even our level of trust doesn’t dictate His response.

Abraham used Jehovah-Jireh in reference to the Lord’s provision of a ram. You see, Almighty God had commanded him to sacrifice his beloved son, Isaac. So Abraham obediently proceeded to Mount Moriah with Isaac, bound him, and laid him on the altar. Yet through it all he trusted God to provide another sacrifice, and when he held the knife in his hand, an angel stopped him … at the last minute. Abraham released Isaac as his trust in God’s provision became reality.

Dear friend, what need interrupts your sleep or troubles your spirit? God longs for you to trust Him anew, recognizing Him as Jehovah-Jireh. Just as He reminded me of this truth, He’s speaking to you…

Trust Him. He’s got it. The LORD WILL provide.

photo credit: Fulton Ram via photopin (license)

2 comments on “Jehovah-Jireh

  1. Annie Winfree

    He always Is, He always Does,He always Will!!!!!

    • Amen, Annie! What an awesome God we serve.

      Love to you in Christ,

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