
Our Great Shepherd: Sheep-ish Tendencies

Psalm 23 is one of the most recognizable passages of Scripture. Its words have been sung, prayed, and illustrated in countless ways, but if we’re not careful we can become so well acquainted with these verses that we forget the power these words hold. To recognize God as our Shepherd means we also have to accept that we are indeed like sheep: dirty, defenseless and helpless. Without a shepherd, the sheep are left to their own devices, which ultimately will lead them to starve, wander off, or be attacked. This week, let’s slow it down, remind ourselves that we are sheep in need of a loving Shepherd.


Sheep-ish Tendencies

The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.

Psalm 23:1

Charles Swindoll says that sheep need three things before they are able to rest:

  1. They need to be able to see their shepherd.
  2. They need the safety of the flock.
  3. They need freedom from predators.

MondayWithout these things, sheep will wander until they collapse from exhaustion. They will forgo food and water until all three of these things are fulfilled, but they cannot make these things happen for themselves. All three things have to be taken care of by their shepherd.

A shepherd does everything for his sheep. Everything. He defends, he cares, and he provides. He constantly seeks out the best for his flock, and the flock simply trusts and follows.

Too often I let the sight of my shortcomings stop me in my tracks and get trapped in the mindset that I have to come up with the resources, the wisdom and the right words to say to others. I’m like a sheep who realizes the full inadequacy of my sheep-ness, and I forget about the Shepherd who is showing off His strength in my weaknesses.

Because the Lord is our Shepherd, we lack nothing. We don’t have to be in a constant state of grasping for more stuff, more validation, more love. We can be fully satisfied, full provided for, fully approved of and fully loved by our Shepherd, forever.

When we allow something else to “shepherd” us – our jobs, our relationships, even our ministry – we remain wanting. Outside of our true Shepherd, we will never find the satisfaction our hearts desire. We will be led astray, we will find ourselves vulnerable to attacks, and we will constantly wander until we simply cannot go on.

Embrace your position as a sheep in the flock of God, and trust the Shepherd who goes before you, follows behind and walks alongside of you.


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