
Pondering Proverbs: A Pig’s Snout or a Precious Jewel? (Part 5)

“A gracious woman gains respect.” 
Proverbs 11:16a NLT

As I close out this series of doses from Proverbs, I would be amiss if I didn’t cover one of the most recurring themes that I discovered – WOMEN! Whether it is a lengthy passage, or a single verse randomly placed within its pages, it is fascinating to read the diverse descriptions and details written about the female gender. To make it simple, most of the references about women fall in one of two categories – the good or the bad.

We’ll start with the ‘not so desirable’ grouping and work our way to the good. In the beginning chapters of Proverbs, one can read explicit details about the dangers and the pitfalls of falling for the seductive adulteress and the wiles of the harlot (for more on that check out Part 3 of this series). How any man could not heed the warnings of this kind of woman is beyond me! Solomon’s advice is loud and clear.

Throughout its thirty-one chapters, the Proverbs include other detrimental descriptions of women such as foolish, contentious, evil, cunning, lacking discretion, boisterous, rebellious, and unstable.  At all cost, let’s avoid these character flaws. Proverbs 11:22 sums it up with a graphic word picture.

Like a gold ring in a pig’s snout is a beautiful woman without good sense. (NRSV)

Let’s focus now on some of the good things we find about women in the Scriptures. If you are unfamiliar with the Proverbs 31 woman, you definitely need to check her out. Verses 10 through 31 give an in depth look at a most remarkable lady. I think it only fair to assume that the lengthy description covers many years of her life as she learned and matured in her walk with God. There’s not enough room in this short devotional to list all the outstanding traits she possessed. Whether you are male or female, I trust you will take time to acquaint yourself with these verses and put into practice some of her worthy actions.

It is refreshing and encouraging to study the beneficial qualities and behaviors of a godly woman. Throughout Proverbs you will find her described as worthy, wise, prudent, excellent, virtuous, gracious, strong, and God-fearing. She attains honor; she builds her house instead of destroying it; she is the crown of her husband; she is worth more than jewels – diamonds, rubies, or pearls!

To all our female readers out there, what kind of woman do you want to be? The choice is yours. Make a wise one!                                                                                                                                 [Digging Deeper – Proverbs 12:4, 14:1, 19:14, 23:27-28, 27:15-16, 31:10-31]

His priceless jewel,

Beverly <><



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