
Wise Choices: Partners Against Crime

Why do you call me ‘Lord, Lord,’ and not do what I tell you?” 

Luke 6:46, ESV  

In the 70’s and 80’s there were two popular comedic expressions: “The devil made me do it,” and “Could it be Satan?” It’s our nature to want to shift blame, but it’s no laughing matter. When God questioned Adam and Eve regarding their sin, Adam blamed Eve, and Eve blamed the serpent. Satan’s influence in our lives is immense, but we alone are responsible for the choices we make.


Partners Against Crime

“For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.”

2 Timothy 1:7, KJV

Day_3,Tree_s_shadow_on_houseOnly a few days had passed since our home was invaded, and I was still suffering the psychological aftershocks of the intrusion. Stepping outside to sweep the porch, broom in one hand, alarm panic button in the other, my eyes scoured the woods surrounding our home.

Was I being watched? Would the intruders return? Would my life ever get back to normal?

Shortly, I heard loud, disturbing thuds coming from inside the house, followed by the sounds of our daughter’s high-pitched cries and her feet pounding through the kitchen. As she swung open the storm door, I simultaneously hit the panic button, sending siren screams throughout our sleepy neighborhood.

Breathlessly, my daughter shouted, “Mommy, Mommy, the washing machine is bumping!”

I stood there, heart pounding, siren screaming, wanting to laugh, wanting to cry. The predators had left remnants of fear in their wake. They had stolen something far more valuable than possessions. They had stolen my peace.

Peace. We do not realize its value until we no longer possess it.

As easy as it is to justify, I was walking contrary to Scripture, living in a spirit of fear. Sound mind?  I suppose it left hand in hand with peace.

Fear initiates irrational responses to our circumstances, and sometimes an irrational antidote is required. For me, the spin cycle of the washer jolted me back into reality, the reality that God will never leave me or forsake me, that he has promised me peace in the midst of my crises.

Are you being watched? Yes.

Will the intruder return? Yes.

Will your life ever get back to normal? Yes. But not until you take back what belongs to you.

It’s time to put down the panic button. Choose to pick up the sword of the Word, and stand firm on its promises. Then, with your shield of faith, resist the enemy’s schemes. The enemy can take your peace only when you hand it over to him.

Walk hand in hand with peace; fear and worry will flee.

Feeling secure,


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