

When the seventy-two disciples returned, they joyfully reported to Him, “Lord, even the demons obey us when we use Your name ”
Luke 10:17, (NLT)

results 21Just as these disciples came back and reported to Jesus all that had transpired during their mission, we will undoubtedly have much to share about the miraculous things God has done throughout our lives when we choose to be faithful and obedient to His calling. As believers, the Holy Spirit is always with us, and we can know for certain that He will produce fruit in our lives when we choose to follow His leading. Praise God for all the miraculous things He has in store for us as His children, and thank Him for each opportunity to share His love with the world. Pray that God will remind us that on our own we can do nothing, but with Him ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE!


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A Choice

Then he said to the disciples, “Anyone who accepts your message is also accepting me. And anyone who rejects you is rejecting me. And anyone who rejects me is rejecting God, who sent me.”
Luke 10:16, (NLT)

day 20 choiceWe have all been given the free will to either accept or reject Jesus as our Savior. Once someone has been presented with the Gospel, they will be faced with a choice. If they choose to accept Christ, we can celebrate and praise God over their decision. However, if they choose to reject Christ, we must not take it personally. They are not rejecting us, but God who sent us. He alone has the power to save and only He can see into a person’s heart.

Today, pray that the fear of rejection will not deter us from sharing our faith. Ask the Holy Spirit to give us a temperament of compassion over the lost and not one of judgment. May our hearts be broken over those who need salvation and our strength be found in Christ alone.



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“My food,” said Jesus, “is to do the will of him who sent me and to finish his work. 35 Don’t you have a saying, ‘It’s still four months until harvest’? I tell you, open your eyes and look at the fields! They are ripe for harvest.
John 4:34-35 (NIV)

20160319_103959Well, if you are reading this on August 15, we should be in flight back to the U.S. Thinking back on the many trips we’ve taken during the past 7 years, I couldn’t help but to ponder the scripture above that I shared with you last Thursday. Especially in light of my cowardice concerning the ‘jungle”, I saw something I had not noticed before:

Jesus said, “I tell you, open your eyes and look at the fields! They are ripe for harvest”. I’ve always focused on the harvest when reading this verse, but because of my personal struggle with, I focused this time on the word “field”. Then I remembered that the field can be a dangerous place sometimes. Rodents, spiders, and snakes are famous for lurking around trying to steal a meal.

I remember one day when our boys were little. While in the back yard, working in our vegetable garden, I noticed a monster snake looking for a snack. We planted those beans to help feed our family during the winter season, so in my mind, that enemy was in my back yard, near my playing children, trying to steal the food right out of their mouths – with me watching! Lurking where my children played meant that devil didn’t have a chance of survival! Grabbing the garden hoe, I beat that snake to death… and then chopped him into little bitty pieces. He looked like a pile Vienna sausages when I got through with him.

As scared as I was of that monster, I didn’t give in to him. The passion of a mama to protect her children overrides temporary danger.

In John 10:9-10, Jesus said the enemy comes only to steal, kill and destroy. He wants to steal our children, kill our marriage, and destroy our family. Many of us have not recognized the enemy’s existence on our home field and have become apathetic because of it. But look around! Families are breaking apart like never before because the enemy has entered unnoticed. We can’t afford the price of apathy any longer. And we sure can’t afford the price of fear in battling that enemy.

For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.”

2 Timothy 1:7 NKJV

Whether you’re in another country on mission, or sitting behind your desk at work, the fields around you are ripe– ready for harvest. Yes, it may feel somewhat scary or dangerous to step in to territory the enemy now occupies, but we must because time is short.

Besides, far too often we see the enemy threat much greater than it really is. Because that  ‘monster’ snake I just told you about – turned out to be a whopping 12” long. J

God has given us everything we need to share Jesus with those in our ‘field’ – our sphere of influence. Don’t let the threat of any enemy, real or imagined, keep you from entering the harvest field!

He is able you know!

Until Next Time,

Your Traveling Partner,


For updates on this latest mission to Nicaragua check our FaceBook page – ZMI Family Ministries International.


Until Next time,

Your Traveling Partner,
