

“And Moses built an altar, and named it ‘The LORD is My Banner.’”

Exodus 17:15, NASB

Jehovaj Nissi pictureRemember the fascinating story about Moses on the mountain, raising his hands while God’s people fought against the Amalekites? Do you recall how Aaron and Hur climbed up the hill with Moses, supporting his hands when he wearied of lifting them high? I’ve always loved that narrative as a demonstration of friendship’s tremendous value.

But there’s So. Much. More. to this incredible account.

First off, it’s critical to recognize that Moses held the “rod of God” in one of his hands–the very same staff he’d used to initiate some of the ten plagues … to part the Red Sea … to draw water from the rock. As he lifted it up for all to see while they waged war against their enemy, surely its prior role in God’s miracles inspired them to fight for victory.

Yet the rod itself wasn’t extraordinary. It simply served as the instrument through which God revealed His power.

You know, we all get tired from time to time. The Christian life involves many battles against the enemy of our souls. We all benefit from a friend or two in crisis moments. Sadly, however, we sometimes attribute our victories to the people around us or to the method God uses rather than God Himself. We say things to each other like, “I never could have done it without you,” rather than, “The Lord used you to help me through this.” While it’s good and right to acknowledge the part fellow Christians play in our successes, let’s never forget the Source.

Because when all is said and done, the LORD is My Banner.

He’s “the center of attraction on which people should pin their hopes.” HE holds the power, HE gives the strength, HE arranges us as Christ’s body so we can help each other, and HE pulls details together with a wisdom we can’t fathom. As we look to God and lift up Christ’s name, we’ll find:

“He gives strength to the weary, And to him who lacks might He increases power. Though youths grow weary and tired, And vigorous young men stumble badly, Yet those who wait for the LORD Will gain new strength; They will mount up with wings like eagles, They will run and not get tired, They will walk and not become weary.” Isaiah 40:29-31

Dear one, what battle rages in your life today? JEHOVAH-NISSI IS ABLE. He’s your Banner, your rallying place–the One you can always turn to. He provides safety and shelter along with direction.

He’s the God of victory.

Until next time, Happy Thanksgiving and much love to you in Christ,



photo credit: Sunset via photopin (license)


Jesus Gave a Solution

“These were his instructions to them: “The harvest is great, but the workers are few. So pray to the Lord who is in charge of the harvest; ask him to send more workers into his fields.”
Luke 10:2  (NLT)

day 7 always-there-1314423-1600x1200In this verse not only do we see Jesus pointing out the problem, but He also provides the solution. First, He reminds them who is in charge of the harvest, and then He asks them to pray for more workers. We can be comforted knowing the Lord is in control. He alone has the power to save, and He greatly desires to draw those living in sin and darkness to Himself. Today, let’s be reminded of God’s great love for all mankind and praise Him for His saving grace.  Pray that God will allow us to be part of the solution, and plead with Him to continue to send workers so that His kingdom may grow and flourish.




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Who Cares?

Give all your worries and cares to God, for he cares about you.”
1 Peter 5:7 NLT

Woman_comforting_young_woman, Who Cares?“I don’t know why I’m even bothering to tell you this, I mean it’s not like anybody cares,” screamed my new friend! “Just because I got into trouble, nobody will help me! They won’t even listen!”

Sometimes, as a result of our histories, we find it hard to believe that anyone else cares about us. We may have made poor choices and we start to worry about our stuff. After all, if we don’t who will? But worry won’t bring about the changes that we really desire. Changes that bring about the belief that someone truly cares about us comes from our willingness to place our trust in the hands of someone other than ourselves. However, we often hesitate to do that because, like my friend, people have let us down in the past and will likely also let us down in the future. So we plod on in our struggle until we become overwhelmed. Read today’s Dose verse.

God cares for us through all of our struggles. When we really believe this, we turn over our anxieties and concerns to Him. But we also need somebody “with skin-on” in order to help us along our path to complete trust. It can sometimes be difficult for us to totally trust God after what we’ve experienced and come to believe. He has provided for that need.

Once we initially trust Him as our Savior from sin, we can grow our trust in Him as Lord of our lives, by pairing up with someone who is farther along in his or her walk with the Lord. This would be a mature Christian—somebody from whom we can actually learn to trust. They take the time to listen to our struggles, pray with us, show us Bible verses that speak to our situation, and show us how we can apply them in our lives. They share some of their own struggles and how God has shown them that He cares.

It’s been several years since I had the conversation that opened this Dose. I simply told that young woman, “I’ve been in trouble before too and I’ll listen to you.” God did the rest. He allowed me the privilege of being a godly example in her life and He opened a willingness in her heart just wide enough to trust someone by faith.

God’s care and concern is so much greater than we could ever imagine or possess! He’s listening!

Are you trusting in His care for you today?

By grace through faith,
